September 11 Nothing to Do With Islam? Don't You Believe It!

It's utterly hypocritical how Islam is still considered peaceful despite the obvious evidences that it isn't. Talk about battered wives, battered children, pedophile Muslims, Islamic terrorists or the recent attacks in Mindanao in the Philippines by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, etc. In fact, it's been at least 12 years since 9/11 and people still insist that Islam had nothing to do with 9/11. 

Truth cannot be denied that planes really crashed into the Twin Towers in New York. It wasn't like the conspiracy theory of "no planes, the government did it". The truth is Osama Bin Ladin then made a broadcast, you have to admit that the whole incident was also called Allah's wrath on America. Islamic terrorists are supported by Islamic states like Pakistan for one. Islam could be the start of another global conflict and some pastors I've talked to believe that. Islam might as well be the second horsemen in Revelation 6. Jesuit or Illuminati orchestrated or not it cannot be denied Islam has never been a religion of peace.

Many poor Muslims are still believing their religion had nothing to do with the September 11 terrorist attacks. The Koran is no peaceful book, it has actually instructed misguided Muslims that the only surest way to Heaven is by Jihad. That's why those two terrorists did what they could and seized control of the airplanes, slammed them into the Twin Towers believing they will get 70 virgins in Heaven as a reward by their false god Allah but what a shocker, they awoke in Hell that very moment together with every unsaved person on that plane!

Yet despite 9/11, America has let the camel into the tent-like open toleration of Islam and the election of Barack Hussein Obama (who is a Muslim) as America's president. I know America has a lot of issues with its morality but terrorist attacks can't be justified by any means. I don't support the U.S. war on Iraq, I don't support Muslim terrorists hitting America either.

Thank God that missions to Muslims are increasing. It's important for Christians to remember it's missions and not missiles. It's all about Bibles and not bullets. It's the Word of God that will counter the ever increasing threat of Islam.