Works Salvation and Easy Believism are Both Erroneous
Here's the Bible truth about salvation, faith in Christ and good works:
1.) Salvation is NOT by doing good works but it leads until good works. (Ephesians 2:8-10).
2.) Good works are not the way of salvation but is the result of salvation. (Titus 3:5-8).
The contrast between the believer and the unbeliever in doing good works:
1.) The unbeliever does good works (actually dead works) trying to gain God's favor. Natural man is wicked and evil, hypocritical and will do anything to win salvation by himself because of the sin nature of pride. He is like the Pharisee who brags of his good works which are but not gaining God's favor. It's all about boasting (Matthew 23:5).
2.) The believer on the other hand does good works not for self but because God has redeemed the person. It's unthinkable if faith cannot produce good works. James 2 warns that any faith that that does lead to works is a sham, non-authentic faith. True good works is God working in man (Phil. 2:13).
Now a contrast for the errors of works salvation and easy believism:
1.) Works salvation obviously obliterates the idea that salvation is by faith alone. This adds requirement to saving faith like baptism, living a good life, obedience, discipleship, etc. These errors can be found with the Arminian argument of the conditional security of the believer. Many heretics today circulate the Internet today that believes that only a person as wicked as Hitler can go to Hell or salvation is dependent on man's faithfulness but that is stealing the glory from God. If this is the case, any person who adds good works to salvation isn't surrendering towards the Lordship of Christ or anybody who believes that a person loses salvation every time they stumble is just as unsaved as the Antinomian. Christ is Lord, every saved person does not reject the Lordship of Christ. If one is to truly acknowledge Christ is Lord and surrender to Him, they must stop trusting themselves and simply turn themselves in to Him by faith alone in Him, complete and absolute trust in Him. Please note that the term "lordship salvation" has been erroneously misused.
2.) Easy believism on the other hand teaches that it is possible for the Christian to be living like devils and still be saved, just pray a simple prayer and then live the way they want. Some of them even believe that a person can believe in Christ once and stop believing in Him, still remain saved when the Bible warns in 1 John 2:19 that those who departed from the faith were not of the faith, that is they were mere pretenders. Christians can fall into sin, sometimes even horribly but they do not remain living sinfully. This is really Antinomianism which Youtube "Bible teacher" Jacksmack77 is teaching. This is what Paul Washer, John Macarthur, Ray Comfort and Robert Charles Sproul to name a few are warning against- these men have been mistaken to be works salvation preachers even when they do not teach the heresy because they are opposed to the idea that a Christian can live in sin indefinitely. Please note that these men are also against the heresy of sinless perfection.