Is the Old Testament Irrelevant Today?

People tend to use the "That's just Old Testament only." argument when it comes to justifying sins like homosexuality and getting rid of the death penalty. Now one must remember what the Old Testament is about in whole. Sad to say some people just pick things out of context without realizing the divisions of the Old Testament. The Old Testament is divided with the MORAL LAW, CEREMONIAL LAW and CIVIL LAW.

I find it crazy some people think that the Old Testament is completely irrelevant. Now I understand why Christians worship on a Sunday or that animal sacrifices are no longer done because we have the New Covenant. But the New Covenant has not changed a bit when it comes to the moral law. While the New Covenant does not permit Christians to kill homosexuals, it still condemns homosexuality nonetheless. The moral law was already established ahead.

So let's think. If we are to totally get rid of the Old Testament then these sins should at least be permissible when in fact, they are still not permissible:
  • Worshiping other gods
  • Idolatry with graven images
  • Taking God's name lightly
  • Profaning the day of worship (for Christians it's Sunday)
  • Disrespecting parents
  • Murder
  • Adultery
  • Theft
  • Lying
  • Covetousness
  • Incest
  • Human trafficking
  • Ignoring the welfare of your servant
  • Rape
  • Holding grudges
  • Revenge (and please DO NOT use eye for eye to justify the crime)
  • Not to mention homosexuality (those who LOVE to argue it's just Old Testament)

However let's take a look what did God abolish? It was just the CEREMONIAL LAW. The priests were removed, the veil was removed, everything related to the ceremonial law of the Old Testament were removed. Today, the Christian day of worship is on a SUNDAY because Jesus the Sun of Righteousness, arose on a SUNDAY. Also, the Jewish laws concerning diets was changed when Acts 10:15 when God told Peter to kill and eat from a group of animals that were declared unclean in the Old Testament.

The problem with people was always to IGNORE the Old Testament. You cannot ignore the Old Testament. Just because Jesus died on the cross does not mean the Old Testament is totally irrelevant. Jesus quoted from the Old Testament during His public ministry. If He wanted to abolish it, He would have not quoted from it. Instead, He did and the so did the Apostles. Every the the words "It is written..." is mentioned it always mentions Old Testament passage of Scripture.

Just think of the instances the Old Testament was quoted during Jesus' public ministry to the writing of the Apostles. The Psalms of David was mentioned, Abraham was mentioned, Solomon was mentioned, Jeremiah was mentioned, Isaiah was mentioned, Moses was mentioned... and the Scriptural passages were MENTIONED. It's absurd to think that Jesus abolished the Old Testament's moral law. While He did get rid of the ceremonial law because now, all have equal access to Him if they belong to Him BUT the moral law has remained the same. Remember every time, "It is written." is mentioned, it's always in reference to Old Testament Scripture.

Why do you need to study the Old Testament? The Old Testament helps us understand the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. Reading the New Testament alone will not make sense because it quotes from the Old Testament. The New Testament will not make sense until you know the Old Testament. The Old Testament is divided into the Pentateuch, the historical books, poetry and prophetic books. The Psalms also make references to Jesus. The Proverbs provides practical advice. The prophetic books all point to Jesus and Revelation. Again, you cannot ignore the Old Testament in the study of Scripture.

The Old Testament also helps us see the difference between the two covenants. Why are Christians against homosexuality but they eat bacon and shrimp? It's simple. Remember the Old Testament law that's applicable today is the moral law. The Old Testament dietary laws were purely ceremonial and later in Acts 10:15 we see how these laws are deleted. Yet the New Testament still quotes from prophetic books, Psalms and Proverbs acknowledging that the Old Testament was simply renewed. That's why it's the New Testament because the Old Testament was made new. The only difference is with the ceremonial law and some civil laws. But the moral law has NEVER changed a bit (Matthew 5:17-20) and it never will.

Reading the Old Testament helps man understand the sinfulness of man and Jesus' sacrifice for sinful man. Whenever I read through Leviticus to Deuteronomy, all I can say is, "God how can I keep all these rules you made?" I can only express my sinfulness and the need for salvation. The Old Testament shows the standard of God's holiness. Man is wretched and unholy, only God is holy and make man holy. In order for man to be holy, there is the imputed holiness. This holiness is from God, man apart from God has no holiness apart from God. The Old Testament helps one understand the serious demands of the Law that has separated man from God. It also helps us understand why Jesus tore down the veil from the Holy of Holies and why the animal sacrifices ceased. Trying to dismiss the Old Testament is nothing more than an excuse to try and justify certain sins.