Homosexual Lovers Planning to Get "Married" May Consider Muslim Bakers Before Planning To Accuse Christian Bakers of "Discrimination"

Well homosexuals who are planning to have a same sex "marriage" may now consider the consequences of forcing a Muslim baker to bake a cake.  Homosexuals have a lot of their stupid assumptions like Christians and Muslims walk hand in hand (HUH?).  Some of these homosexuals are also radical atheists who misquote the Bible and call the Christians as "another Taliban" because of their conservative lifestyle.  Now let's see what if they actually want a Muslim baker to bake their wedding cake.

Here are some events those homosexuals may consider is radically different Islamic states are from Christians on how to deal with homosexuals:
  • Back in February 1998, the Taliban publicly executed homosexuals.  
  • Recently, ISIS' own brand of legalism would have created a stir.  How did ISIS deal with homosexuals?  
    • Last December 10, 2014 the ISIS terrorists executed a man for being a homosexual.  
    • Last January 18, 2015 the ISIS also threw homosexual men off the tower.

With all the events above, I would really dare those homosexuals to dare and try to ask Muslim bakers to bake their cakes.  While the media makes it look like homosexuals are harmless, don't you believe it.  They can be just as dangerous as bullies as anyone.  If a straight male can be a bully, then so can homosexuals.  I could just imagine the grim consequences of homosexuals who either threaten or worse, get physical with Muslim bakers for refusing to bake the wedding cake.  Either the Muslim baker really fights back and gets brutal or other Muslims may gang up on them and beat them up.  While the Christian they beat up might have just hit out of self-defense, the Muslim they beat up might not rest until their head is on the table.

What "hate crimes" did Christians do against homosexuals?  Nothing but preach the truth and tell them that they were going to Hell.  Also, one has to realize that refusing a customer DOES NOT always equivalent to discrimination.  A Muslim baker hurting a homosexual for making the request would count as hate.

When you think of it, if a Christian baker refuses to sell anything available to a homosexual, that would be wrong.  Like let's just think... a Christian can be guilty of discrimination if he refused to let the homosexual have a simple birthday cake just because the person is a homosexual.  However if the homosexual asks him to go against his morals like, "Bake me a homosexual wedding cake or else!"  Then who is guilty of threatening?  The Christian has the right to say no when he or she is asked to.  Now in the situation of blackmailing the Christian to bake a homosexual wedding cake, who is the real hater now?

Let's also put some SIMPLE LOGIC.  Refusing a customer does not always equal hate.  It must also be emphasized that the customer is not always right even if he or she is to be treated right.  If businessmen must treat their customers right, customers might also treat their service providers right.  Also, the homosexual logic of, "Christians who refuse to bake us a wedding cake is hate." might as well also try suing a Japanese restaurant for not serving them Korean food as well.

See also: