Jonathan Edwards' Acid Test For True Conversion
Jonathan Edwards' statement really shows who's a true convert and who's the false convert with the two resolutions. The first is I will live for God and the second is if no one else does, I still will. It's very easy to see many who profess to be Christians say, "I will live for God." but time comes when persecution hits they will fall completely away (1 John 2:19). A Christian may deny their faith or momentarily fall away but they will not renounce their faith. Remember Peter denied he was a Christian but later took his word back from the same people that he lied to that he was not a Christian.
When the real times of persecution comes, Christians eventually end up doing resolution no. 2 as a result of God's grace that they are truly His as growing obedience is a mark of true conversion (John 10:27). It reminded me of how Christians may have certain degrees of fear before persecution but they endure to the end when the real problem comes. I read of how Christians headed for the hills or hid in catacombs, they would sneak copies of the Bible here and there but when they are arrested, they end up choosing death over renunciation of their faith. When one's faith is genuine, one's faith will result to good works as James 2:14-26 distinguishes a false faith vs. a real one. While Christians may not be sinless but if their faith is real, it does not only result in continued repentance but it also results in good works as a result of salvation. Titus 2:11-14 says that true grace teaches holy and righteous living.
The Easy Christianity who say that to teach that only those who endure to the end are the only ones who are truly saved is teaching salvation by works. They fail to get the context that enduring to the end is not the cause but the effect of salvation. When I mention Baptist preachers of told, most of them are most likely going to say, "Bah, that guy should be blacklisted. Why can't he accept those who have not endured to the end as Christians. If you received Christ, it doesn't matter how your life was, you are saved." These people are truly mistaken as only false converts would dare teach a heresy that God's grace is a license to sin. Those who are truly saved will
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