If Salvation Was By Just "Being a Good Person" Were True Then Christ Died in Vain!

It's politically incorrect these days to say that salvation is by faith alone in Jesus Christ. To preach that has already been considered a hate crime even if it's not a hate crime. A hate crime is defined as a crime motivated by prejudice typically involving violence. To warn others about sin and judgment is not a hate crime as the politically correct self-proclaimed liberals would want you to believe. Besides, Isaiah 32:5 has declared that no longer shall vile people be considered liberals!

Today, we have the idea that all religions worship the one true God but only in different ways. I remembered reading some official Roman Catholic materials on the late Teresa of Calcutta. In one of the materials about her, she has said that there are many religions that serve God in different ways. What's important is that we're all good people. She was a good friend of the late John Paul II. While there were some admirable things she did like helping the poor (which doesn't make it wrong because Roman Catholics do it) but I can't also deny how she carried the deadly poison of ecumenism. Ecumenism is a lie no matter what. What she said was a travesty against the finished work of Christ. Then again, since when did Roman Catholicism ever respect the finished work of Christ in their practice by still saying the Mass is a continuing sacrifice for sins?

I don't deny that many religions teach that you should do good but what's the motive behind doing good? The great late C.H. Spurgeon said, "It is not enough to do the correct thing, it must be done in a right spirit, and with a pure motive. A good action is not wholly good unless it be done for the glory of God, and because of the greatness and goodness of His Holy Name." As an expositor, Spurgeon was fully aware of the essential truths of the doctrine of salvation. Christians do good works not because they're under the condemnation of the law but under grace. The law used to be their burden but now it's their delight. On the other hand, world religions teach you do good works for your own sake and self-preservation or to appease God to reach Heaven. That's really just bribery isn't it?

Besides, if one's own performance could save then Jesus' sacrifice would be in vain. Galatians 2:21 says, "I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the Law, then Christ is dead in vain." The Law was meant to be the schoolmaster and not the Savior (Galatians 3:24). If one's own righteousness was enough then Christ dying for the sins so we can be made righteous means nothing at all. Besides, Romans 3:10-19 and James 2:10-11 shows we're all guilty sinners in need of redemption from sin. A lot of people try to do all the good they can outside the grace of God only to find out they're still habitually lawless (Matthew 7:23). It's a sad reality isn't it?

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