The Incredible Irony That Many Lost People Love Christmas But Not Christ!
It's just ten days before Christmas isn't it? Unfortunately, there's no real reason to ever make it a mandatory observance and Christians being hostile towards it is no surprise. I don't even blame Christians who hate Christmas for very valid reasons. Any Christian who loves Jesus may be someone who who is sick and tired of the worldliness of Christmas. Any frustrated Christian who hates Christmas has every right not to observe it but should be careful not to become a stumbling block towards other Christians who don't observe the holiday in a worldly way. It's time to talk about this issue that many lost people love Christmas but not Jesus.
It's easily observable how Christmas is a worldly occasion. Sometimes, it's better to call it Xmas because they're not celebrating Christ. Instead, they're celebrating anything but Christ. When some unsaved people are asked about why they're excited about Christmas there could be a link to materialistic reason. You may hear children talking about how they're excited about Santa Claus never mind that there is NO Santa Claus. Parents are probably excited because it's the time of the year they can lie about Santa Claus to their children. You have people getting excited because Christmas may be their only time of the year to think that they have a license to sin. It's safe to say that none of their reasons is because they want to have a deeper meditation to that Jesus came to save His people from their sins not in their sins (Matthew 1:21).
Let's think about the Bible itself. Many were excited about the birth of the Savior thinking that He would end Roman Rule. Many loved Jesus' miracles but when He started teaching and preaching God's truth then He was well-hated. Many sang Hosanna on Palm Sunday but began shouting and screaming "Crucify Him!" a few days later. It's also safe to say that Satan loves Christmas because he can distract people from the Christ whether it'd be through Santa Claus or a Jesus that would remain as a baby in the minds of people. He wasn't able to stop Jesus from growing up but he could make people focus too much on the infant Jesus instead of the Jesus that's finished His job on the cross. Today, many lost people get excited about Christmas because of the worldly events but when you tell them about Jesus they tell you to get lost. You tell children Santa Claus isn't real then you can also expect their parents to be bigger babies than the child who can't easily accept the truth that their parents lied to them.
John 15:18-19 warns that the world is hostile to Christ and it will be hostile towards the Christian. James 4:4 warns that friendship with the world is enmity with God. There's no place for the Christian in this old world which God will one day destroy and restore to become the perfect world without sorrow and death. This old world will perish. Sad to say but there are more people who are walking towards destruction than towards life (Matthew 7;13-14).
See also:
It's easily observable how Christmas is a worldly occasion. Sometimes, it's better to call it Xmas because they're not celebrating Christ. Instead, they're celebrating anything but Christ. When some unsaved people are asked about why they're excited about Christmas there could be a link to materialistic reason. You may hear children talking about how they're excited about Santa Claus never mind that there is NO Santa Claus. Parents are probably excited because it's the time of the year they can lie about Santa Claus to their children. You have people getting excited because Christmas may be their only time of the year to think that they have a license to sin. It's safe to say that none of their reasons is because they want to have a deeper meditation to that Jesus came to save His people from their sins not in their sins (Matthew 1:21).
Let's think about the Bible itself. Many were excited about the birth of the Savior thinking that He would end Roman Rule. Many loved Jesus' miracles but when He started teaching and preaching God's truth then He was well-hated. Many sang Hosanna on Palm Sunday but began shouting and screaming "Crucify Him!" a few days later. It's also safe to say that Satan loves Christmas because he can distract people from the Christ whether it'd be through Santa Claus or a Jesus that would remain as a baby in the minds of people. He wasn't able to stop Jesus from growing up but he could make people focus too much on the infant Jesus instead of the Jesus that's finished His job on the cross. Today, many lost people get excited about Christmas because of the worldly events but when you tell them about Jesus they tell you to get lost. You tell children Santa Claus isn't real then you can also expect their parents to be bigger babies than the child who can't easily accept the truth that their parents lied to them.
John 15:18-19 warns that the world is hostile to Christ and it will be hostile towards the Christian. James 4:4 warns that friendship with the world is enmity with God. There's no place for the Christian in this old world which God will one day destroy and restore to become the perfect world without sorrow and death. This old world will perish. Sad to say but there are more people who are walking towards destruction than towards life (Matthew 7;13-14).
See also:
- Christmas Message: The Flowers of This World is No Match for the Lord Jesus Christ!
- For He (Jesus) Shall Save Them From Their Sins!
- People's Behavior During the Christmas Season Proves Humanity Is Not Basically Good
- Remember Christ Became Man So Man Can Be Born Again!
- The Perfect Messiah's Imperfect Lineage
- This Christmas Season, Remember Christ Was Born to Die For Your Sins!
- This Christmas Season, Remember That Things May Go Worse than Before!