Women Should Feel Safer Not Going to Target!

Target's giving in to political correctness has violated women's rights to privacy. It should be very stupid if a company decides to compromise on safety for the sake of complying with being politically correct. Any woman with the right mind should not go to Target for shopping for their own personal safety. Allowing men in women's comfort rooms except for the reason that the men's comfort room is out of order may soon invite perverts. A male homosexual may actually enjoy perverted pursuits with both genders as a bisexual. It may also invite other non-homosexual perverts the chance to molest women when they least expect it. 

It's crazy how politically correctness only leads to confusion. It supports the idiocy of the feminist movement but fails to see women's rights as it should be seen. Women have the right to be protected from any form of abuse. Women have the right to say no to sexual advances when it's from someone not their husband or to say no when the husband abuses that right. The same goes that women have every right not to allow men in their restrooms as much as men have every right not to allow women in their restrooms. The only time that a man or a woman may enter the opposite restroom is if the other restroom is out of order but there's no right to peep at them in the toilet.

So much for saying political correctness cares about women. It doesn't protect women who want to be trim and proper. It only protects women who want to be ungodly walking towards their own destruction. 

See also: