What's Wrong with Islam?

Islam, one of the world's major religions and considered by many to be a religion of peace, surrender to God and the way to Heaven. However, most don't realize the deception behind Islam. We do NOT mean to be unkind to Muslims or threaten them with death if they do not convert but we are here to show Muslims the falsity of their religion and the truth that is in Jesus Christ, the very truth that will SET THEM FREE! Islam is a sure road to Hellfire but Jesus Christ has come to offer His FREE GIFT of salvation which one can know for sure that he/she has eternal life! For rejecters of the Gospel, I will just have to continue praying for their salvation.

So what's wrong with Islam? Here are the following points that may soon be elaborated one by one by any possible future writers:

These are just some, more coming soon!

1.) Islam teaches the idea of a dictator god- Yup like it or not, Islam teaches the idea of a dictator god. They teach that their god Allah demands salvation by works (Surah (3:135; 7:8-9; 21:47; 49:14; 66:8-9) which is first, unrealistic because all fell down. Despite their statement, Allah is merciful, he is NOT! Allah is one to send unbelievers to Hell without remorse. Every Muslim in order to enter Heaven is demanded to go to Mecca at least ONCE in their lifetime, attend the feast of sacrifice, fast (except for the sick and the pregnant but if you're healthy NO excuses), not miss a single time of the five times daily prayer, kill the infidel (which will also be shown here) and WHATEVER to please their dictator god. Allah is taught to be impersonal, using fear and terrorism (Surah 8:12) to spread his gospel. Now that's a dictator god! Christians, on the other hand, do good works only because God has saved them and changed their way of life, NOT SO WITH ISLAM! Allah is a dictatorial hypocrite because while he claims to be merciful (Surah 2:256) he actually IS NOT (Surah 9:27, 47:4).

2.) Allah is NOT the God of the Bible- In contrast to the statement that Allah and Jehovah are the same God they are NOT. Allah is but a false god, an idol- the moon god. Point 1 shows that Allah could not be the God of the Bible. The God of the Bible, Jehovah, is One God, Three Persons (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit) but Allah is not. While God Himself loves sinners and sent Christ to die for them and redeem those who choose to believe it (Romans 5:5-8), Allah does not as said in point 1. Also the crescent moon of Islam represents the false god Allah who is derived from the moon god Sin. Read "The Islamic Invasion" by Dr. Robert A. Morey pages 211-218. So Allahu Akbar means Allah is great.

3.) Its "prophet" Muhammad was a fraud- Although Muhammad was concerned about the immoral practices like throwing away of unwanted babies, drunkenness and the like in his community that day but he was an immoral man himself. Why? Let's face it- Muhammad was a con artist at best who preached a religion of hate and intolerance. He claimed the have one vision after the other, some of them were Satan's the others were from his mind. He was no prophet. Besides, he had lived a very immoral life of having many mistresses and his youngest mistress was only nine years old (Surah 54:46). He stole women from their husbands, killed their husbands, and forced them into his harem as his mistresses. He was also a wife-beater in which for Muslims, it is tolerable (Surah 4:34).

4.) Islam teaches the use of fear of terrorism like their dictator god Allah- Muslims' terrorist activities HAVE SOMETHING to do with their religion (if you don't believe that then try to read Surah 4, 5:33, 8:60-65) and MANY Muslims are misled into believing it has nothing to do with it. The "holy war" is not holy. The days when God commanded the Jews to exterminate the wicked heathen are over! 9/11 had something to do with Islam (and preachers are NOT wrong to blame Islam for its involvement), the Al Qaida network is carrying out the will of Allah (and yup, Osama bin Ladin has been reading the Koran diligently and following it). Fanaticism is a dead-end for many of the children of Islam!

5.) Islam like Communism and liberal theology teaches the satanic idea that man is basically good- Based on Islamic theology, man is basically good, and sadly, America is now permeated with that idea since it doesn't have a president but a Sultan sitting. Unless the Ayatollah of America (and we're praying for his salvation before it's too late) doesn't win the 2012 elections, America is due to become a Sultanate and a Muslim flag will really fly over the White House. This idea is SO DIFFERENT from Romans 3:10-23 that man is fallen.

6.) The Koran is filled with failed prophecies and is pretty inconsistent- Unlike the Bible that does not contradict itself, the Koran does. This is due to elaboration. We've already presented one point in point #1 about Allah which he claims not to be a dictator but the rest of the Koran says otherwise (Surah 2:256, 9:27, 47:4). It's also filled with scientifically inaccurate details which can be seen HERE (our own page will come soon if need be).

Do we hate Muslims? No. But we do hate Islam because it's another sure road to Hellfire like every other false religion. Only Jesus Christ can set them free!