Parenting and Double Standard

Here's the reality that the Bible has set family rules. As said, the Bible commands in Exodus 20:12 as the 5th commandment to honor one's parents. Ephesians 6:1 and Colossians 3:20 as part of the household rules, children must obey their parents. However, the rules that follow in Ephesians 6:2 and Colossians 3:21 says that parents should however not embitter their children just as husbands are to love their wives if they expect to be obeyed. Sadly parenting these days thanks to moral bankruptcy has ended up having its own double standard. Like in what way? Here are some ways double standard parenting can be.

  • Talking about the ten commandments yet either which parent is habitually breaking one or more of the rules. James 2:10 is clear you break one rule, you are guilty of all. Many of these exist as the philandering parent- either the father is having another woman or the mother is having another man or BOTH!
  • Parents punish their children for telling them lies yet the lie to their children as a disciplinary measure. They make up stories taking advantage of the child's fragile mind like using the Santa Claus or Easter Bunny characters who are but fictitious characters to make their children do good rather than focus on the reality of God and His Law. Truthfully, the God scare works better because God is real and it's scary to be in the hands of an angry God rather than fantasy games because children will just outgrow it. Children take what their parents say seriously and when they discover they're being lied to, they will grow distrustful towards their parents
  • Parents punish their children for having a bad temper yet they fight in front of their children and have a very abrasive personality.
  • A parent punishing a child for stealing from others yet they are thieves themselves.
  • Parents getting mad at their children for viewing inappropriate TV shows yet they themselves are watching gory, pornographic and/or violent TV shows.

As said, authority is but entrusted, it is a stewardship from God and not a privilege to abuse. Parenting as the very basic foundation of community should be met by both words and example. When parents are a good example, only then can discipline be effective and obedience becomes spontaneous. After all the purpose of the rod of the correction is to correct but in soiled hands that is, the one who holds it isn't living a clean life, it becomes ineffective for that person. Children tend to follow more the actions of parents than the commands of parents. And if parents provide children the wrong example, they are bound to follow plenty of wrong examples too.