Dealing with Unbelieving Arrogant People

It's a reality in life that there are unbelieving ARROGANT people to deal with. It can't be avoided. So the reality is that it's time for Christians to get to deal with arrogant people (and many pretend to be humble). I have already been encountering them one after the other- I do admit I have been guilty of letting such stupidity bother me. In fact, they can be so stupid to even admit they are wrong!

Here's a few things to remember about them:

1.) DO NOT stoop down to the level of an arrogant person.

Remember Ephesians 5:11- do not fellowship with arrogant people because they are workers of darkness. If Christians stoop down to their level, they become arrogant in some way like Samson did when he stooped down to the level of the Philistines.

2.) Remember the Bible predicted them. It is definitely NOT surprising that they are around. (2 Timothy 3:2, 2 Peter 2:10).

3.) Remember that before fall comes pride (Proverbs 11:2, 16:18, 18:12, 29:23, Matthew 23:12, James 4:6, 1 Peter 5:5).

Here are some examples:
  • Take for instance the reality of Satan in Isaiah 14:12-14. It was pride that got him kicked out of Heaven. It can take even years before the person ends up punished.
  • Sometimes what was once operating in glory for at least a decade or so in pride could end up shut down so suddenly. Take for example how a secular school can brag all she wants in the newspapers and so but the arrogance of her staff caused her downfall. First, she's lost a lot of students to some of the schools she's defamed then she loses her other glorious stuff.
  • The Pharaoh of the Exodus was so proud that his own nation fell into shambles. He never thought of how many innocent Egyptians will be harmed because of his hardened heart.
  • These people think they're smarter than everyone else but they'll be proven wrong sooner or later. They become so stupid they don't listen to advice to the point they'll do something that could lead to their destruction.
  • They just make fools out of themselves. For example, a woman who plays along with another woman's husband is just going to get dumped for another mistress sooner or later or even lose her boyfriend all of a sudden.
  • Many of them are liars. Yes. That's why conspiracy theorists have their incredibly shrinking credibility. Even their photos can show how arrogant they really are. I seriously don't mind them anymore. Go ahead, destroy me all you want with your pride, it's to your own ruin.
  • Also, money and fame doesn't last forever. A billion pesos is not an infinite amount of money, it can still be reduced to zero. (James 4:14) I've known my former schoolmate who was always bragging about his money, eventually later lost millions of pesos in an ill transaction.
  • Also, their foot shall slide in due time (Deuteronomy 32:35).

4.) Some arrogant people are just boasters of false gifts (Proverbs 25:14).

It can be incredibly ironic, yes. Sometimes those people in power are humble and selfless like the Lord Jesus Christ who is King of Kings, the Son of God chose to humble Himself. David declared he was nobody despite the fact he became a king in Saul's place. Some of the top notchers give God the glory like Jason Lisle. Some people who are very attractive don't take pride of themselves (Joseph, Ruth, David, Abigail). However there are people who are simply nobody keep acting they are somebody. In short, they are pretty insecure so their arrogance is used as some form of weak defense to inflate their ego. Sometimes they could be just be lowly laborers who never got out of their difficulty because they spend too much time drinking, in the KTV bars, hiring prostitutes and getting into fights or they could be that physically ugly (how ironic) but they claim to be very attractive and wealthy while a reverse can happen too. So let them brag all they want, they will lose credibility later when the truth comes out.

5.) Nobody can boast of tomorrow (Proverbs 27:1).

Besides, it was just like how many people who rejected the Lord Jesus Christ even to the point of saying that God can't get them out of office or sink the Titanic saw the results otherwise. Seriously speaking, I was pretty MUCH insulted at how a Catholic girls' school graduation had the nun bragging that they would certainly succeed because they came from that school- quite different from my graduation ceremony from a fundamental independent Baptist academy! It's no wonder why most of them are pretty arrogant!

6.) You will reap what you sow.

Remember God is NEVER mocked even for once. I am so tired of hearing people whose arrogance even go as far as to even claim to do with what God can only do. I just thought of how wicked men no matter how much prosperity they may enjoy today, God has allowed their prosperity to raise them up at high altitude them cuts them off. There is no use envying the wicked.