Counterfeit Virgin Births!

One of the greatest reasons why various people say that the virgin birth was but pagan (not Bible) doctrine is because the concept was also found in pagan mythology.  One must realize though that God already declared the virgin birth in Genesis 3:15 BEFORE the paganism in Babylon even begun. 

So here are some counterfeit virgin births in mythology vs. what they really were:

1.) Greek mythology teaches various virgin births.  According to mythology (being written all over again) here are some of the (in)famous virgin births that were really based on sexual lust in contrast to God the Father choosing Mary to become the human vessel of His Son via the Holy Spirit:
  • Zeus impregnated Semele to produce Dionysius the god of the earth.  
  • Later Zeus was said to have impregnated Danae in the tower in the form of a shower of gold and sired Perseus who formed a kingdom.
  • Perhaps the most infamous account ever was that of Hercules, the son of Zeus and the mortal Alcmene who crushed a snake as a child.  
  • Poseidon impregnated Europa and gave birth to a son who could walk on water.

2.) Also there are some people who claim from a virgin birth BUT:
  • In Buddha's case, everybody knew the king was his father despite the fact his mother claimed that a six-tusked white elephant impregnated her.  
  • In the case of Alexander the Great and Augustus Caesar, they claimed their father was a SNAKE.  Speak of the Devil.  
  • In short many claims were also based on bestiality.  

However the Lord Jesus was different.  His virgin birth was on a pure, no sexual contact involved and it was out of love that God the Father gave His only Son to the whole world.  Warning is though- people who do not believe in Him are bound to PERISH. (John 3:16-36)