What Holy War Do Christians Fight?

Somebody tells me this, "Hey you, you're doing nothing but picking fights? Do you know how many religions kill each other for the truth?" He says I am a bigot because I say the truth is worth fighting for, because I am firm in the stand that Christians are at a daily war. Yes Christians are at war but it's not like how the world would think it is or as some people call fundamentalists as "another Taliban". The very fact that Christians uphold John 14:6 has caused them to be labeled as bigots and religious terrorists.

However in Biblical context, one cannot see that "love one another" would exempt to the holy war Christians fight. Take note that there is NOTHING holy (set apart for God) about Jihad, the Crusades and the Inquisition, they're all unholy because they're nothing but murder against those they consider infidels. But the holy war that Christians fight is this- Ephesians 6:12 says that the struggle of the Christian is not flesh and blood but against the satanic forces that are sending people to HELL by the second! Every second, somebody dies and life can become death. In short, the war is on deceit that is leading people to Hell instead of Heaven and Jesus armed His disciples to fight that holy war by PREACHING the real message of salvation and refuting error.

Here's an excerpt from our latest source "The Jesus You Can't Ignore" written by Pastor John F. Macarthur one of the best proponents of perseverance of the saints which says, "Christians will endure by God's grace alone":

  • "Of course no credible Christian who is committed to Scripture as our supreme authority has ever proposed a literal, earthly 'holy' war. That's not what spiritual warfare is about, and Scripture is unequivocal on that, "We do not wrestle against flesh and blood" (Ephesians 6:12). And "the weapons of our warfare are not carnal" (2 Corinthians 10:4). Nevertheless the postmodern mind sometimes seems unable to make any meaningful distinction between armed physical combat with weapons intended to kill people and spiritual combat with truth intended to save them from spiritual death."- Page xxvii
  • "Whether we like it or not, as Christians we are in a life-and-death conflict against the forces of evil and their lies. It is spiritual war. It's not a literal, physical conflict with mortal weaponry. It's not a campaign to increase anyone's wealth or confiscate anyone's treasure. It is not a war over territory or geopolitical dominion. It most assuredly is not an angry jihad for the expansion of Christendom's earthly influence. It's not any kind of magical warfare with unseen beings from the nether realms. It's not a battle for ascendancy between individuals or religious sects and it most certainly is not a campaign on the part of the church to take over the state. But it is nonetheless a serious war with eternal consequences."- Page xxxi

Those statements really show what the Christian holy war is about. Now it's time to see the holy war that is to free people from Satan's grip and to liberate them in the Name of Jesus Christ:
  • The truth must be known. Every Christian holds the truth as their belt. They too must give it to others. This also involves unveiling conspiracy theories.
  • Christ's righteousness replaces the faulty righteousness of man. In fact, it's only because Christians have the righteousness of Christ that they do good works as a result (Romans 3:31, 4:5-7, Philippians 3:9-10, 1 Corinthians 15:10). This righteousness gives Christians the good works to let their light so shine before men in the holy war (Matthew 5:11, James 2:18). This breastplate protects the vital organs especially the heart from evil.
  • The sandals of readiness - 1 Peter 3:15-16 requires Christians to be ALWAYS ready to fight heresy. Why? Heresies are creeping all throughout so WHY leave them? Jesus was always ready to attack heresies because He cared about people. He loved the Pharisees but he HATED what they were doing so because of their hardness, He really did chastise them openly for their deceit towards people.
  • The shield of faith - Hebrews 11:6 says that without faith it's impossible to please God. It's by faith that Christians do good works. After all who would not want to obey a Lord and Master who saved you despite all the bad you did? Who would not want to stop sinning because of a Lord and Master who gave what man deserves not- salvation? By faith, Christians will stand firm to refute every form of heresy and do all the good works God has for them, connected to the breastplate of righteousness. This shield keeps Christians moving forward despite circumstances. Peter learned it the hard way before he became an outstanding pastor.
  • The helmet of salvation- With salvation on the head of the Christian, it changes their very way of thinking. So Christians must keep thinking that they are Christians and that with faith and righteousness, by God's grace they can certainly make their war for the truth effective.
  • Lastly, the Word of God is the sword- Hebrews 4:12 says that God's Word cuts through deception. Christians must voice out the truth of God's Word with full knowledge of the truth, faith, God's imputed righteousness, readiness and His assurance as to remove others from dying to a Christless eternity. As said, the Word of God is the only REAL WEAPON in the holy war, not real weapons of mass destruction. It has even converted some of the toughest of religious terrorists.

As said, there is really a war Christians fight but it's against sin, against Satan and for the souls of men! Plus, no Christian in any way should force their beliefs on others. Should people refuse Christ, the only solution is to pray, pray and pray!

See also: