Why a Virgin Birth?
Well it's Christmas and we're not here to tackle on worldly celebrations but rather to use it as a soulwinning opportunity. So why was a virgin birth necessary? In fact it was already planned in Isaiah 7:14 that a virgin woman will bear a child- that is definitely a MIRACLE that cannot be accomplished by natural laws. Why did God plan a virgin birth?
So here's a little bit of the Bible's miraculous births:
- Sarah who was barren gave birth at 90 years old.
- Rebekah was barren for 20 years before Jacob was born.
- Rachel who was supposedly barren but she had Joseph then later Benjamin.
- Manoah's wife was barren but Samson was born.
- Hannah was barren but gave birth to Samuel and eventually other children.
- Elizabeth at 52 years old gave birth to John the Baptist.
So here's a little bit about the reality of sin. It was by Adam's act of disobedience not Eve who spread death to mankind (Romans 5:12). Genesis 3:15 was clear on this. God said that it was going to be the seed of a woman, not the seed of a man. A woman has no seed. In fact, the seed always referred to sperm cells NOT egg cells. One must note that Adam was the one where God's blame fell on, not Eve. Ever since then sin was always passed from father to child never mother to child. So by having the seed of a woman and not the seed of a man, it's obvious that there will be no curse.
A virgin was considered "pure and chaste" while a woman who was no longer a virgin was no longer that upheld. In fact, God's pattern of the priesthood was that a Levite was to marry a VIRGIN (Leviticus 21:13). The priests were a peculiar people, separated for God. So God gave them the best- a virgin woman. In the concept, a virgin makes the top quality bride. Also the Jewish law requires that a king was to marry a virgin woman of Israel. It was in fact much of high value. So probably despite Bathsheba's widowhood, she may have not yet been impregnated by her first husband Uriah, considering the fact she is also part of the line of Jesus.
And why was Mary chosen to bear the Son of God in His humanity? It was not because she was sinless, she was a sinner BUT she had these attributes- she was a VIRGIN and she was also of the line of David. In her case, Mary came from the line of Nathan, not Solomon. So a virgin birth was necessary because of the virgin birth was because without an earthly father, Jesus could have no sin to fulfill Genesis 3:15. With the Father being the father and Mary being the mother, gave Jesus the hypostatic union of His divine nature and Him being God the Son. Above all, it was necessary because Jesus was God. Yes Mary was a sinner but Jesus being God could not be touched by sin. As said, the scientifically impossible could only happen because God is the CREATOR OF SCIENCE! And by this miracle the impossible can be accomplished like the salvation of mankind.
Also this is where the Holy Trinity is involved- God the Father through God the Holy Spirit worked in the womb of Mary for God the Son to be in human form. Is it any wonder why the virgin birth is under attack? It's because if the virgin birth is attacked, then it would attack His Deity. In fact many blasphemous theories have in fact made the ridiculous theory Mary was really guilty of adultery or that Mary and Joseph fornicated. Many Bible versions today have attacked Isaiah 7:14 by replacing the word "virgin" with "woman" which is prevalent in the NIV and the GNB. If one also has to examine it, His virgin birth was questioned many times. It was in fact NO SEXUAL contact between God the Father and Mary in contrast to how the pagan gods made their demigod children by sex.
However one must also note of the following: Mary DID NOT remain a virgin. In fact, Joseph had already taken Mary as his wife and it would be stupid for him not to execute his sexual right over the wife. In fact, James and Jude who wrote two books of the Bible were the children of Joseph and Mary. In fact Isaiah 7:14 does not prove perpetual virginity but rather, when Mary gave birth to Jesus the prophecy was already fulfilled.