Good Luck from Feng Shui? FORGET IT!!!!

Many people are relying on an ancient Babylonian art which is modified into "Feng Shui" in China as their means to grant them prosperity, good luck and to protect them from harm. John MacArthur calls "good luck" as nothing more than misplaced faith in his sermon on "The Sin of Putting God on the Test" which is part of gambling. Many people who trust in Feng Shui will be disappointed for these following reasons and why GOD HATES FENG SHUI:

1.) Feng Shui is nothing more than a series of lies designed to "be rich quick scheme"... by the MAMMON CROWD that is!
  • Ever heard of pyramid schemes? They seem to safe, legitimate and so on but in reality they are nothing more than crap schemes like a serpent, is hard to detect when it strikes. For centuries or even millenniums (the Earth is now around 6,000 years old or more in recorded history) the art of occultism is nothing more than a sham that SUCKS people out of their income. People paid the ministers of other religions TONS OF MONEY to tell them what to do. They are told to do stuff like paint the gate red/blue, get more wives, sacrifice an infant which now can take in form of abortion and throwing away an unwanted female child, etc. And all for that? The disappointment happens when there is not much money coming in and only the occult practitioner GOT RICH from the whole consultation! 1 Timothy 6:10 is right in saying that the LOVE for money is the root of the evils of today's society!

2.) Feng Shui encourages people to do bad deeds in the long run in an indirect manner
  • Because of this so-called "protection charm", Feng Shui believers are most likely to do bad things more than good like womanizing (and say that their current mistress brings good luck and discard their older wives as bad luck), beat up their employees like cattle, insult others as idiots as if they're never wrong (hee hee as if Feng Shui is accurate?!), give low salaries, engage in dirty businesses (ex. drug trafficking, prostitution, robberies, thievery, being hired murderers) believing that their Feng Shui will prevent the FBI from arresting them, etc. all because they believe their gods will protect them. The pattern can be seen from Egypt when the first king of Egypt in Exodus up to the last king in Exodus mistreated the Hebrews like they weren't human- today that type of business practice can be reported to the Department of Labor and Employment. After all, they had this "protection charm" didn't they? It was also occultism that caused the pharaoh of the Exodus to harden his heart against the living God, blaming Moses as the source of bad luck rather than acknowledge God's sovereignty.

3.) Feng Shui diminishes the value of WORKING HARD
  • Aside from the bad deeds above, many people who believe in Feng Shui tend to be lazy. They become less aggressive with their businesses putting their faith in a gold plated frog or any image of animals, which are an ABOMINATION unto God. Perhaps the Egyptians were getting lazy and relying on frogs for wealth and prosperity, God used frogs to drive Egypt into extreme poverty and made the land stink. Many of them think money can come without working because of this Feng Shui fallacy. Along with the losing of the value of working hard is the loss of the value of SAVING MONEY for a rainy day. While an average Christian man has money for a rainy day, a Feng Shui believer goes from rags to riches as proof that Satan always double-crosses people.

The Christian has nothing to fear about "good luck" or "bad luck". After all, Jesus gave NO guarantee that the Christian life will be easy. He warned about tribulation from Matthew to John. He even said a Christian MAY suffer billion times more than others will yet He also gave His promise that He will be there with them. At least when a Christian suffers from financial losses, etc. there is a God they can run to and a God who can restore. At least that person will not get disappointed and like Job saying, "Though He slay me yet in Him I will trust." knowing God was in charge of his disappointments.