Christian J. Pinto's "Lamp in the Dark"

Here is one of the best documentaries ever. Please note that this is NOT a call for hatred against Roman Catholics but rather to raise awareness of the need to spread the Gospel and the truth of their history further and telling them they can be fully assured of their salvation by the Word of God ALONE. Sadly there will always be many who will continue to reject the truths revealed by the Reformers like John Huss, Martin Luther, John Bunyan, John Calvin and John Knox. Charles Haddon Spurgeon perhaps the greatest Baptist preacher that ever lived also upheld the truth of the Bible. In this documentary prepared by Christian J. Pinto he has leading Bible scholars such as David Brown, Robert Oakland, Alan O Reilly and D.A. White explain a huge chunk of the history of the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages was the time of the infamous auto de fay, the Inquisition where people who refused to convert to Catholicism were being tortured in what some would call a "carnival-like atmosphere" and many atrocities were done- which today is dismissed as "just a myth" or placed the blame on the Spanish government.

Many Christians were tortured for their faith and even died horrible deaths. In the year 1540 after the rise of Martin Luther's reformation, Ignatius of Loyola formed the Jesuit Order to counter the Reformation of the Christian faith which set Europe "on fire" for Jesus. Setting Europe on fire didn't mean burning Europe literally but rather the fire of the Holy Spirit touched millions of people, many were getting saved and ignorance was defeated. Most people today are left ignorant of the real truths behind them. God raised Christian groups like the Baptists and Anabaptists as intolerant as they were of non-Christian views, showed forgiveness, faithfulness, fellowship and fasting as their means to spread the Word of God. Their only sword was the Bible, they didn't kill or murder- they only showed the truth and shunned the error. The holy war for the truth was only won through preaching and martyrdom, not by violence and brutality. The bloodier the Inquisition became, the MORE Christianity waxed stronger.

Are you taking the Bible for granted? Hopefully not. It is in fact the most bloodstained book in history. Before the Reformation, the Anabaptists were executed for one "crime"- bringing the Bible which the Council of Trent had long forbade from being read. Girolamo Savonarola was a type of Martin Luther who was executed at the orders of Alexander VI (of the Borgia Family) for proclaiming Biblical truth. Martin Luther though he escaped martyrdom didn't live a very good life on Earth for what- translating the Bible into German for his people. John Calvin spent hours publishing the Bible even at the risk of losing his head in Geneva. Charles Spurgeon was hated because of the 3,000 sermons he preached proclaiming Biblical truth. Yet Matthew 5:11 says that any Christian who is wrongly persecuted for Christ's sake is BLESSED. Mind those unfair critics and haters? Never mind them- just keep preaching the Good News! Seriously a LOT of negative write-ups are given against such people as "lunatics", "fanatics" and "Taliban" by contemporary "Christianity" and a society gone wrong, but John 15:18-19 says that Christians are not of this world and are enemies of it. Christians please remember THIS WORLD IS NOT YOUR HOME!