The Foolishness of Determining Doomsday

I was thinking that perhaps since it'll just be a few months and it'll be December 21, 2012 I would like to share some of my ideas.  Even some of the so-called respected Bible scholars now agree that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be on December 21, 2012.  Seriously what part of the Bible can't they understand?  I just did some Bible studies and the verses Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32 both address the Lord Jesus saying that upon the day of the Lord's second coming, NO MAN knows but the Father only.  After His crucifixion and resurrection, I began to ponder on what was said by the apostles by an unknown angel saying in Acts 1:7 that it is not for them to know the times and dates.  Even John who had the privilege to live long enough to see the Revelation of Jesus Christ and write down the Book of Revelation, he DID NOT even get the exact date of the events that will lead to the End of the World.  None of the apostles did.  Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Peter and the two half-brothers of Jesus via His mother Mary (James and Jude) didn't even have an answer so what makes the "experts" think they have the answer to when the Lord will come back.

I can hear of people making alleged visitations from angels who tell them the world will end in MM/DD/YY whatever or they make some computations done by man.  Below is a list of such stupidity because they all refuse to believe God.  Any TRUE READER of the Bible will be clear that NO MAN knows when the Lord comes.  Remember He will come like a thief in the night.  No thief will inform his/her intended victim when he/she is coming.  Just think of it that did the bank robbers inform the bank they were going to rob the bank?  No.  Now on to the list:

The Web Bot Project

  • I heard of the Web Bot Project which is actually nothing more than man's futile attempt to unlock the secrets of the end of the world which He, the Author of Science has kept secret.  What makes the Web Bot project unreliable is that, no matter how accurate machines can be, being made by humans without divine intervention, they cannot be free from error compared to the Scriptures.  A COMPUTER ENGINEER by the name of Ben Tramblay also said:
"Being in the computer engineering domain I think I can see where the Web Bots will succeed and where it will fail... Well essentially anything "man-made" could be predicted in some way and anything no man has no control over can't be predicted.... The more data Web Bots get pointing towards 2012 just means more and more people are publishing stuff about 2012 and the end of the world.  Remember the only thing they can crawl is the internet adn what you find on the internet was created by real persons, NOT GOD.

Planet X

  • This is one of the most deviant from the Bible basis since it believes that the world will end thanks to Planet X than the judgment of the Lord Jesus Christ.  NASA has even verified that Planet X does not exist and it's a fantasy.  In fact, it is nothing more than delusions that God has allowed to happen towards the unbelieving.


  • I tried watching the files of Nostradamus on the Discovery Channel to help me gain some insight. What was pretty not surprising that Nostradamus was what I'd call PRETTY MUCH of a false prophet.  He was into the occult and plus, his prophecies are usually very vague or general.  In truth, he is no different.  What he lacks against the true prophets of God is divine revelation.  God has to INTERVENE with a phony like him to get a real prophecy out.  During the time I was still lost, I used to believe in his predictions or even worry about death or the Second Coming of Christ.  After I got saved, the Holy Spirit convicted me of many things including old habits that I have not consciously wanted to throw out.  I began to read Nostradamus' life which pointed out he was involved with the occult in contrast to the Old Testament prophets who all had God's visions.  Ezekiel's prophecies are a lot more accurate proven by historical data vs. Nostradamus who actually had nothing more than symbolism without meaning and not to mention FAILED dates.  

The Watchtower Society

  • What is pretty much disturbing about the religion of the Watchtower Society is that aside from denying the deity of Christ, the reality that people burn in Hell forever without ceasing is also the fact that Charles Taze Russel their last messenger made several quack predictions.  During the planetary alignment, they printed Gospel tracts warning everyone that the Lord Jesus was returning.  What happened was nothing more than a failure because there is NOT a single passage in the Bible that suggests that the planetary alignment is a sign of the Rapture!  Also one interesting fact is that planetary alignment happens EVERY December!

The Mayan Calendar

  • The late quack prophet Harold Camping of Family Radio had made two quack prophecies ahead of December 21, 2012 to which both were on a 21- May 21 and October 21 of 2011.  After the end of May 21, 2011 the Rapture did not come and now he moves it to another date.  His final date is apparently December 21, 2012 which ALMOST every quack preacher agrees.  If anybody can remember, the "validity" of the December 21, 2012 was based on the pagan Mayan Calendar. Seriously God DID NOT give His revelation to the Mayans.  Also, I DO NOT rely on the prophecies of Nostradamus.  God will not allow any more quacks to predict unless he wanted to.  Also, I do have my hard time believing the Malachy "prophecies" because I'd rather look forward to Jesus than know who the Antichrist will be.  Besides, by the time the Antichrist rises into power after the world passes through enough tribulation thus going into the REAL Tribulation, I'd be gone.