Materialism Won't Make You Happy

There is the issue of, "Only if I had all the riches this world has to offer I'd be the happiest man on Earth."  Quite the contrary, Ecclesiasties 5:10 warns, "He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase; this is also vanity."  These days there are people who never get satisfied with what they have.  They have the mentality of "evolution" to which, one way after the other that they believe society must go forward.  Perhaps you've seen the mentality of "I want more." or have you heard of the song "Money Money Money" or Madonna's "Material Girl".  People today have really and sadly set aside God for carnal pleasures which is proof of being what Romans 3:10-19 would describe the wickedness of man, none righteous and none that seeks after God in the sinful state.

Now here's a great example.  One could remember the rich young ruler who came to Jesus asking how he could have eternal life.  Jesus knew that the rich man was LYING the instant he said he kept the whole Law because NOBODY could keep the whole Law (Romans 3:10-19, James 2:10-11).  So the reply was to sell all He had, give to the poor and follow Jesus.  Seriously many people trust in their riches that they reject Jesus.  Such people may end up usually in tragic suicide as proof of their being unsaved.  Or perhaps another example is in Luke 16:19-31 the story of the rich man and Lazarus.  Okay I am NOT saying being rich is bad.  God blesses also via riches like he did to David and Solomon who both only found joy in their God, not in the riches that was given unto them.  The scenario could be like this- the rich man felt he had everything and felt he didn't need God.  Lazarus the beggar had nothing.  So I assume that this same rich man may be a Pharisee or a friend of the Pharisees, or is the rich young ruler I couldn't tell but this story REALLY happened.  It was in fact the love of riches that prevented them from accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, therefore they forfeited eternal life.

I should also point out what 1 Timothy 6:10 says, "For the love of money is the ROOT of all evil which while some were coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves with many sorrows."  How true it is.  Is it any wonder why politicians steal money from the government coffers for themselves?  One has to look at the poor miserable condition of many dictators.  Think about how many Communist leaders though they have the whole state are stuck in their misery.  Or to think why so many enter into illegal businesses yet in the end, they can't even use that money to go to the mall out of fear of the authorities.  Also it's the reason why people to abandon the worship of false gods because idolatry is a VERY lucrative, easy business compared to a man who makes an honest living selling basic commodities who suffers from lag periods.  Some may even have to think of why women become homewrecking whores where they either leave their husbands for richer partners who are usually married men all for the love of money!  Sad but true, many people like the rich young ruler REJECT the Lord Jesus because of the love of money.  And what follows after such sinful lifestyles are bodily deterioration like premature aging, cancer and sexually transmitted diseases.  

So what is the alternative to materialism?  The solution can be found with how Matthew and Zacchaeus both responded to the call of Jesus.  When Matthew became a disciple, he forsook the dirty money business as a result because he knew Jesus was the only Source of joy he can have as a believer.  When Zacchaeus became a believer, he paid four times to every person he cheated while he was still an unbeliever.  In fact King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 12:13, "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments for this is the whole duty of man." which he wrote after he found no meaning riches and much meaning to the Source of riches.  All I can say is, the LORD giveth and the LORD taketh away, blessed be the name of the LORD.