Run Samson Run!!!!

Well, there are secular songs called "Run Samson Sun" by Neil Sedaka and "Delilah" by Tom Jones both of who I assume are not believers. Okay, they aren't worship songs but they do carry a huge lyrics that do warn of the truth about flirting with danger. In Judges 16, I would like to point out the infamous tragedy of Samson and Delilah. Perhaps some of you heard the story in secular sources, I am now going to preach from the Bible on hand on the matter. I will be showing the reality of God's warning signals of Christians towards unbelievers of the opposite sex. In fact, how true the words those songs can carry and how painful it is if it happens. In fact, the temptation is in every part of society.

A little bit of a background on Samson. He was a believer, a man of God, a judge of Israel from the Tribe of Dan. However, like most believers, he had his flaws and his weakness had to do with women which became his downfall. So okay, I do not believe he was living as sinfully as the rest of the world but he had that weakness of women. In Judges 14-15 we do read of his affair with the Philistine woman he married and who later filed for divorce after that incident of a riddle in the wedding feast. Okay, I've got to say this that Samson should have known better than to intermingle with the Philistines not because they were Philistines but because they were unbelievers. I don't know why God permitted it for some reason, regardless all I can say was that was indeed a foolish choice. I mean, he was a judge of Israel, its earthly ruler until his death. The time came after Samson made donkeys out of a thousand men with a donkey's jawbone, he got overconfident and that's when Satan takes advantage of the believer. Sadly times will come when good Christian men can also fall down like Samson and Solomon- all because of an unbelieving woman! It can happen it me, it can happen to anyone! And in fact, when the Christian like Samson falls down, it'll be very hard for them to recover their testimony!

Now for an analysis of the woman named Delilah. The Bible talks little of Delilah's history except we know from her background she is a Philistine from the Valley of Sorek and obviously not a believer. Okay before meeting Delilah, Samson just had his diversion of probably purposely getting into a brothel to hide his true activities- that was to break down the defenses of the Philistine city. So here, we get to know this that Delilah was tasked to find where Samson's strength lay so the Philistines can exploit it against him. Now here, women in their fallen state, sad to say, can become another tool of the Devil like every fallen man, sad to say. Okay, Satan used evil men, he will also use evil women to entice sin. Now she like Mrs. Potiphar was a tool of the Devil. Also, one has to realize unlike Joseph the Dreamer who resisted Potiphar's wife, Samson the strongman fell into this temptation. As said, the idle mind is Satan's workshop. Satan knew Samson's weakness. Samson had the idle mind to which, one way or another, he was going to be manipulated by that witch Delilah. From how things look like, Delilah was most likely a flirt of a woman who was used by the Philistines to be like Mata Hari, a femme fatale of a killer and Samson was going to be her next prey! Satan knew Samson had just sinned by having a night with a harlot in Gaza, now it was the deadly move Satan can use on our Christian men!

So here we follow through the dangerous trap of flirting with danger. Samson started a relationship he knew better should never be especially with Delilah who was an unbeliever. I can say this, "I can handle this... I can quit anytime... I'm just playing around..." but dear friends, that is so self-deceiving and I would be deceiving myself if I said that and you too will be in that disaster too. Just think it over- Samson the strongman was thinking he could quit the game anytime but Satan was already getting his trap sprung. So we realize here as we read through Judges 16 that Samson was now in Satan's deadly game. First, he fooled Delilah with various jokes that started with the seven green withes that were never dried, then with the joke of fresh ropes that were never used, then with the joke of weaving seven locks with the web... however it was going to lead to where Samson's fall was. What was it? Well finally on a very daily basis, Delilah was using her snake venom of a woman to torment Samson's soul unto death, that he finally confessed the truth that he was a Nazarite and that as long as he had that vow, his hair was not to be shaven! Bad move for Samson! So here, Samson would pay for it dearly for thinking he could just quit anytime with flirting with danger. He thought to play with Delilah was fun then he was betrayed. The Bible got silent after that concerning Delilah but focused on Samson. To be honest, I do not believe what famous directors like Cecil De Mille or any of Hollywood's trash have to say with Delilah's later fate- I would stick to Scripture. So here, Samson the strongman was defeated by a woman. The consequences are quite heavy to the point that he literally got blinded by the incident and captured by the enemy forces.

What is the lesson here? Serious danger is fun to flirt with but the end is pretty damaging that it even affects the next generation. In fact today there will be modern Delilahs. Some of them can start wooing the man with stuff. For example, flight attendants can fool men with their freebies. Give one cellphone, give a free trip, a discount... well that can be the start of it. In fact sad to say many of these women are sluts, not all but many of them. Or another, are prostitutes who give "self-value" with words of deceit. Proverbs 4-5 talks of the strange woman. The lips are smooth as oil, the end is bitter as wormwood. In fact, in Proverbs 5, the consequences can be bodily bad- the flesh and body are consumed and the regret comes so much later. Hopefully, for those reading this, I hope they won't have to sing the lyrics of Delilah that can go, "Why why why Delilah? My my my Delilah! So before they came to break down to the door... forgive me, Delilah, I could not take anymore!"