Some Creative Ways Born Again Christians Can Counter Halloween

As a Christian after I realized that Halloween is Satanic and decided to stop celebrating it, however there was one event that also happened on October 31st on 1517 that is the Blessed Reformation.  Here are some ideas I got in order to counter Halloween:

  1. Nail the ninety-five theses of Martin Luther on one's door on October 31st to remember the Blessed Reformation.
  2. Convince your pastor to do more door to door soulwinning than usual on Halloween handing out Gospel tracts door to door during Halloween.  The whole church can go out and do soulwinning on Halloween to counter the Devil's night just as Martin Luther countered it with his 95 theses against Rome.
  3. Give Gospel tracts from Chick publications related to Halloween or any Gospel tract that has a non-watered down message.  You may try "This Was Your Life" also as part of the Halloween goodies.
  4. NEVER dress up for Halloween as any occult figure nor go out trick or treating.
  5. NEVER quarrel with witches and warlocks- instead give them the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Who knows they might become the next ex-witch/warlock for Jesus!
  6. If you should go shopping, do some Chick style witnessing for Halloween.  
  7. Since it is also Rosary month, prepare some tracts for Roman Catholics like "The Death Cookie", "Why Mary is Crying" and "Last Rites" as well to be given either as Halloween treats or at the malls.