Why Does God Allow Evil to Prosper?

One of the greatest questions today is this, "If God is so good, why does He allow evil to prosper?"  Everywhere we see there are wicked people who are living a "good life", having abundance, fame, fortune, etc. while the righteous may be seen starving and persecuted.  However here are real points we have to understand about God's allowing evil in this world:

1.) We ALL live in a fallen world.  In Genesis 3, Adam and Eve fell into sin and by that sin, death and destruction came into the world.  Romans 5:17 declares that by one man death came into the world.  So God has respected man's decision to rebel and thus allowed wickedness to prosper.

2.) Actually NOBODY as fallen humans are righteous when it comes to God's holy standards.  Romans 3:10-19 shows how fallen man is as it begins, "As it is written, there is none righteous, NO NOT ONE..." which can be driven to this point- men are fallen sinners.  If God only allowed the wicked to fall and see no prosperity, actually nobody can have the chance to hear the Gospel, to choose between life and death and see for the fact the NEED of salvation.  If only judgment were allowed on the wicked in this life, actually nobody will have the chance to get saved either. 

3.) Earthly treasures are just going to go away, those who are declared righteous by faith (Romans 4:5) have better things to look up to.  Matthew 6:19-21 says that Christians are to NEVER lay their treasures for this Earth but rather for Heaven.  John 15:18-19 has Christians said never to be part of this world for if they were the world, the world would love them but since they are not of the world, therefore the world hates them.  They are not friends of the world but enemies of it (James 4:4).  That means the wicked may have lots of wealth and health today but in Hell, they will be total losers.  They will not be able to make airconditioners there to quench the fires of Hell, they cannot make mansions in Hell, etc.  And what's chilling to know is that while they want to discredit the Bible, they are FULFILLING the prophecies of the Bible instead!