An Open Letter to Immoral People Who Claim to be Christians!

It's downright and absolutely 100% stupid for people to say, "Oh I'm a Christian." and YET the life they live is very different.  Today it's common for people to get a false conversion because some lousy preacher turned the grace of God into a license for sin.  Just imagine this, "You can sin all you want and go to Heaven." and then we have false conversions.  These conversions are shallow, just because they prayed a certain prayer.  No, you must REPENT and BELIEVE the Gospel!  People who are truly saved cannot lose their salvation, they might stumble into sin but they are NOT habitually sinful, no remorse for sin whatsoever type of living.  Unless a person repents of their sin, I really don't see them truly repenting of their unbelief.  Now try to listen to this video by Pastor Paul Washer!