Unsaved Scoffers Will Get Their Payback Someday!

It's very fun for sinners to make fun of Christians in EVERY worst way they can possible, belittle them and do all sorts of harm to please their carnal desires.  I've remembered how much I used to overreact when I was persecuted for Christ's sake or whenever I had to face a hypocrite, those times just really got me stressed a lot but all I had figured out is that, these people are actually destroying themselves and two, fulfilling the Bible which they hate!  It's pretty much like what they like to do- irritate people because they are SELFISH, MEAN AND INCONSIDERATE.  They think the world is their playground, they think they are smarter than everybody else, some of them EVEN think they are doing God a great favor and the list can go on.  In fact, I used to stress myself with such annoying fruit loops with me overreacting over them, only God was able to take charge of that mean temper of mine!  What these scoffers do not count is this- Galatians 6:7 says that God CANNOT be mocked.  So go ahead, say all the bad things you want about me- I definitely am NOT minding such people because they are a waste of time, distractions and in the long run, they are digging their own graves by sinning and influencing others to sin with them.

They can go ahead, make other people angry, take pleasure in it and they can have all their stupid annoying gestures, take pleasure in their sins but I really see this coming to them one of these days.
They will get what they deserve one of these days one way or another.  They might even get injured by somebody far more physically powerful than THEY ARE, people they insult may even slit their throats or cut their tongues, beat them up severely or worse slip into a Christless eternity in Hell because such people are degenerate, unsaved and loving sin.  So go ahead, let them tease people all they want, someday they'll get what they deserve.  God has His perfect timing against sinners YET He doesn't will them to perish but ALL should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).  I won't get my hands bloodied on them, they've got their own selves bloodied for judgment except they repent, they shall ALL likewise perish.