For People with the Biochip Right Now, Are they Now Damned to Hell for Eternity and No Chance of Salvation While They Live?

This is one tricky question. While I am OPPOSED to bio-chipping anybody because this kind of system will really disturb privacy, cause people to be enslaved and controlled by the government (that's so going to happen soon, even come Lord Jesus) but here's my stand - the biochip right now is NOT YET the Mark of the Beast. I don't care what people say it can help reduce crime or terrorism, it will NOT.

But the fact is right now there are people who have been chipped but why do I dare say this is NOT the mark of the Beast yet and people who have received the biochip are already part of the Antichrist System? Here are the reasons:
  1. The Rapture has NOT taken place so how could the biochips today be the Mark of the Beast? I really am getting disturbed with the fact that they have already condemned some lost sinners for receiving a biochip right now and it is NOT even the Tribulation period.
  2. The Bible links the mark of the Beast EIGHT TIMES to worship in Revelation meaning that the ultimate purpose of the Mark of the Beast is not just to buy and sell but because they worship the Beast. It implies until people bow down and worship the Antichrist, they will be outlawed. Certainly, the Antichrist wouldn't like to give anybody who doesn't worship him as God the right to his mark does he? Try to read Revelation properly. You will find out that the Mark of the Beast is linked to the WORSHIP of the Antichrist.
  3. Plus, may I add that the biochips are REMOVABLE! I do believe that biochips will be used during the Tribulation Period but that is not all to it. Because for one, branding people with a literal 666 or a barcode via a hot iron is going to leave a permanent mark than a biochip ever will!

Right now if you have a biochip, I suggest you have it removed RIGHT NOW because they are conditioning people for the real Mark of the Beast during the Tribulation Period as much as Ash Wednesday is. Don't let the government bully you. Remove it (for your own safety reasons), repent and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Don't get conditioned by it before the Tribulation comes. It's because people who receive the Mark of the Beast are already decided that they will not repent of their sins once they do.