John Calvin's Poster for Preaching

Well as a Calvinistic writer like good old Spurgeon, Whitfield and Edwards I would proudly share this sign, "Even a dog barks when its master is attacked, I would be a coward if I saw God's truth is attacked and yet I would remain silent."  That's why this blog exists because if I did not love people, I would not attack heresies that would be sending them to Hell that is why I preach against other people's religion because every other way not through Jesus is a sure road to Hellfire (John 14:6).

Such people have the problem with what I preach, what I share and what I do in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the point I'm accused of so many things!  Well, they can go ahead and do what they want because it's just showing how much childish, immature and stupid the "liberals" (better yet called vile) really are without God.