Feminists in the Bible

The Bible would present these despicable feminists and how they are NOT good role models for today's women and this is for women's month.  Women have their rights but nobody should confuse feminism for women's rights.  Vashti had every right to refuse Ahaseurus' immodest request to brag about her, however women should  obey their husbands by default while disobeying them when what is asked of them is contrary to laws and morals or they are being beaten.  But these women that are mentioned confuse women's rights with feminism which is completely stupid.  These are the following wicked women of the Bible who might be the type of feminist to label such a person:

Mrs. Potiphar- While she played good when Mr. Potiphar was around, she later tried to seduce Joseph to satisfy her carnality which she proved to be a sexual degenerate because no proper woman would ever do that.  When Joseph refused, she framed him and lied to her husband, while she herself was really the one at fault.  She represents every feminist who lies to their husband and refuse to control their sexual urges.

Delilah- She was a seductive Philistine woman who used her feminine wiles to seduce Samson to reveal the secret of his strength.  Obviously, this is not the right kind of woman to be with considering how Delilah led to Samson's downfall.  These are the types to use sweet words to get what they want and will betray anybody for money.  

Athaliah- The daughter of Ahab and Jezebel.  While Jezebel may have been a good help-meet to her equally wicked husband Ahab (even to the point she helped him get Naboth's vineyard), Athaliah may have been the picture of the feminist who would not submit, Jehoram may have been henpecked for sure by such a wife who would never submit.  She may have even convinced Jehoram to kill his brothers though Scripture is silent, but with a woman like her it is highly possible.  Not willing a man to reign over her, she controlled her surviving son Ahaziah until he was killed and worse, she did the unthinkable to murder her grandsons just so she could sit as queen for all she pleased.  Her feminist attitude became her downfall.  It's no surprise some feminists tend to sympathize with such a wicked woman- after all they have aborted even their own children as well!  She represents every feminist who supports abortion and would care less about their family to get what they want.

Herodias- True to her name, she was one deadly woman who is a real dangerous influence to everyone around her especially to her daughter Salome.  She was married to Herod Philip but she later eloped with her brother-in-law Herod Antipas (who was also married to an Arabian princess according to Josephus) and took her daughter Salome to her custody during that sinful live-in relationship.  She was also a mistress of manipulation- imagine Herod Antipas could have responded to the Gospel if he wasn't listening to this slut of a woman.  She had a husband but yet she left him for the sake of power.  Offended by the preaching of John the Baptist, she had him locked up and wanted to get rid of him.  Then on Herod Antipas' birthday, she requests her daughter Salome to dance to be lusted after just so she could get the head of John the Baptist which was her own cunning.  Her actions later proved fatal as soon enough, according to Jewish history, Herod Antipas.  She represents every feminist who leaves her husband for another man and would want the head of any preacher who preaches against adultery.