The Male Chauvinist's Erroneous View of Homosexuality

Homosexuality as said is a sin then again so is male chauvinism.  Both are wrong and perverse before God and there's no better than an adulterer and a homosexual.  So here's what we need to think- the male chauvinist has a very wrong and twisted view of homosexuality.  Based on my personal experience, I have been wrongly labeled to be a homosexual because of these reasons:

  • I refuse to smoke and drink or do those vices to make one look "manly".
  • I believe that womanizing is a crime and that womanizers are not mature.
  • I believe that brawling does not make a man manly.
  • It's because I am physically not the athletic type.

So because of these things, they wrongly assume I wear makeup and girl's clothing but that is so dead wrong an accusation.  To be honest, if I've had enough of trying to convince homosexuals they are in the wrong, these male chauvinists are no better.  In fact, what they don't realize are these facts:
  • Smoking and getting drunk don't make a man a man, they make him a wimp.
  • AIDS virus is not only widely spread by homosexuals but also by men with multiple sex partners.
  • Real men do not womanize, they are faithful to their wives nor do they beat them up.
  • Brawlers are actually real cowards within who may even cross the line to prove themselves "brave" but will start becoming wimps when they are truly cornered.  Also, there are also homosexuals who are brawlers.
  • There are male homosexuals who are athletic and well-built.  In fact, it's not even hormonal. Homosexuality is a choice people make.

In fact, if there's anything worth checking out to the standards of sin, it's not other people but God's Law.  A thief is no better than a murderer, an adulterer is no better than a sodomite.  They are all sins!