Foolishness to Expect This Christmas and New Year

Contrary to what people think that Christmas is a magical and safe time of the year, it isn't. I mean some Christian friends of mine have done some Christmas shopping to further extend help for the victims of Typhoon Yolanda by donating another batch.

Now here's what I basically observe can cause a lot of blood pressure problems on Christmas aside from overeating and eating oily foods like roasted pig and ham:
  • Christmas shoppers can be very inconsiderate. You can check the traffic the road has, people rushing to go to the mall and wherever because they are doing some Christmas shopping. They could have done it a month ago but because a lot of people live on the system of extravagance and materialism, they can only do their shopping only when the 13th month pay arrives.
  • You can expect public transportation sectors to be even jerkier on Christmas. Try to think about how a cab won't stop for a customer unless if it were a tourist because they can get "more bonus" or two, consider how many times a taxi driver drives so fast so they can "easily" pick up the next customer ignoring safety rules and regulations.
  • Misbehavior in the academic environment can be very rampant. It is no surprise cutting classes happen a lot during Christmas because they think their teachers can "pardon" them just because it's Christmas.
  • Children discovering their parents have punished them for lying to them yet the parents lie to their children about Santa Claus. Sometimes it happens come Christmas morning and they discover that they have been shammed all along. Like it or not, the Santa Claus lie is just as bad as every other lie.
  • People tend to get drunk and riots happen when they get their 13th month pay. I'm not against giving of Christmas bonuses, I don't find it sinful but the problem has to be what they do with it. I'm seeing people the moment they get it, they do foolishness again and again.
  • It could also be the time to owe somebody tons and tons of money or buy in credit in huge amounts and never pay for it. Believe me, I've been a victim of bad credit myself. What is worse is that such people though they don't really fully believe the Bible could say, "Hey it's Christmas, let it slide." or misquote the parable of the unforgiving servant to escape their debts.

Now for the New Year problems:
  • You could consider the problem of firecrackers. Despite public safety warning and gruesome incidents (which I will not display here to keep this blog child friendly), they still refuse to listen. Some people even are so reckless with firecrakers as to even throw them as a cruel prank at people with little or no regard to safety.
  • After Christmas, new year becomes the time to get drunk. Assuming that they have consumed their 13th month pay on debauchery and drunkenness, they will start making loans they don't intend to pay in order to do their new year foolishness.

But on the positive side, Christmas and New Year can be these for Christians:
  • Christmas is a ripe opportunity to win people to Jesus Christ without worldly means. Sharing people the real meaning of Christmas that is Isaiah 7:14 and John 3:16, Christmas can be used to spread the Gospel as long as worldly methods aren't used.
  • For the New Year, every new year is a year getting closer to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.