If One Has to Be an Atheist to be a Scientist, Then Should Atheists Also Reject Scientific Contributions by Non-Atheists?

Isaac Newton one very important figure in the realm of scientific studies namely physics said, "Atheism is so senseless.  When I look at the solar system, I see the Earth at the right distance from the sun to receive the proper amounts of heat and light.  This did not happen by chance."  I was reading from some of the worst atheist blogs continue to rant on how unscientific Christianity is.  Just my thought, if atheists think that it takes one to be an atheist before they can become a scientist, I really challenge them to actually do without these stuff:

They should rewrite the laws of science and discover everything again.  Whether the person was a Christian or not, many scientists definitely were not atheists which can be found EVEN in secular sources.  I will name some of them which were big time scientists.

For Christian scientists, here are their contributions:
  • Francis Bacon was a pioneer of the scientific method which is used today.
  • Michael Faraday was famous for his work on electricity and magnetism in physics.  
  • William Thomson Kelvin though he believed in an old Earth, he however is the greatest influence of 20th century physics.
  • Robert Boyle who contributed the "Boyle's Law" for gases was also an important figure for chemistry.
  • Johannes Kepler was almost close to coming near to Isaac Newton's level.
  • Isaac Newton in all his bizarre methods however should be noted that he is considered as the "father of physics".
  • A lot more can be read HERE.

For instance we have these people though they weren't Christians but they certainly did contribute to science and attributed God for their success:
  • Gregor Mendel a Roman Catholic monk helped in the study of genetics.  Today we name genetics with the Mendelian principle.
  • Rene Decartes a Roman Catholic contributed the Cartesian plan in Trigometry. 
  • Louis Pasteur a devoted Roman Catholic on the other hand introduced pasteurization to prolong the shelf life of milk so I guess they should stop drinking pasteurized milk too.  Also despite the fact he was not a Christian, he certainly refused to believe that non-life can create life.

It is in fact ironic how radical atheists call creationism as "unscientific" and "hindrance to progress" yet they enjoy the contributions of creation science.  They continue to study science and enjoy it while rejecting the contributors.  I mean, imagine physics books without the contribution of creation science.  Isaac Newton's discoveries helped foster the ideas of modern physics.  Reject it, you don't get a good physics book.  Why do they still drink pasteurized milk?  Why do they still insist in antiseptic surgery?  Why do they still enjoy electricity?  In fact, these are all PRODUCTS of Creation Science.  Radical atheists are just as stupid as religious people who choose not to study science and defend the existence of God based on blind notion.

Which makes me think how many lies have atheists already told in the public school systems of today?  They have even changed the truth of God into a lie by saying that we came from microorganisms then we became fish, then whatever then monkeys then apes before man came in?  Then we read that stupid book that keeps making Christians look like liars telling them not to bear false witness however is a book of lies.  I really would say that the problem of atheist scientists also is that they are actually still adhering to creatonist scientists while insisting one must reject God to be a scientist.  In short, it is 100% plain double standard on their part!

That's because if they say that Creatonists are retards, sub-humans and well morons then why are these atheists studying the laws of science?  In fact, if they say that science and religion don't mix then tell it to these guys.  For one, how can Christianity and science be in conflict SINCE God is the author of science?  Their so-called quest to educate the people with science so they'll forget about God will just instead, reaffirm people's faith in God unless they rewrite their definition of science.  In fact, you'll probably get science books so devoid of content if you reject the theories of these people I mentioned just because they aren't atheists.