Being Careful Not to Go Unprofessional in Apologetics

While there's the bad habit of Roman Catholic apologists of not checking their own backyard, sadly some Independent Fundamental Baptists have actually absorbed some bad habits from Roman Catholic apologists during apologetic discussions and may even participate in debates.  Try listening to IFBs whenever they have a debate with either the ADD group, the CFD group or the INC group, you really hardly hear sense from either side.  According to Atty. Zigfred M. Diaz, one of the biggest problems is that not only because of debates but also because they aren't trained to be professional in apologetics.  Here are some of the ways that can go to becoming unprofessional:

1.) Yelling, insulting and heckling at each other.

Some Independent Baptists are no better in dealing with their opponents than the Catholic Faith Defenders.  You might consider that most of their debates are nothing more than an exchange of yelling, insulting and heckling.  In fact, it's sad to say even some Independent Baptists have resolved to name calling like "idiot" and "moron" towards their opponents.  I'll be sad to admit but I have also tried name calling myself using demeaning words in the past which ruined my testimony.

Sad to say but Dr. Jack Hyles (who I used to admire) was also doing that as proven by this video!  I just wish that my brother-in-Christ, Pastor David Cloud could do any more research on the alleged scandals that the Hyles group has gotten itself into.  I just hope Pastor David Cloud can actually verify the whole scandal of First Hammond Baptist Church so Baptist Christians can boycott it if the accusations are true.

2.) Use of social networking, websites and blogging to defame one another.

It's sad to say but some Independent Baptists are guilty of mocking and caricaturing their opponents which is no better than the artwork at the Catholic Clips which also mocks and misrepresents born again Christianity and biblical Protestantism.  This has resulted to nothing more than a severe exchange of defaming one another when the debate ends.  Obviously while the debate is over, their minds are still against each other.  You might consider a lot of stupid comments against each other.  You could see all these battles at Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and other social networks. Below is a good example of what not to do:

Above is the video called "Damn Corner".  Really I don't agree with Damn Corner's false teachings but I don't spend my time wasting it on him because he's not the only person stuck in such heresy.  That video above is very uncalled for.  You might as well consider one of Hyles' greatest supporters to be like so.  Paul Washer was smart enough not to respond to that debate challenge.  It's better to pray for Damn Corner than to make a video like that.  Why I stopped doing all this "Insert name exposed" type of writing is because it really is a huge invitation to fighting.  It makes me nasty.  Simply debunking their false doctrine is all that is needed and the rest will follow.  

3.) Taking things out of context.

Sad to say but some Catholic apologists are right when some Baptists take things out of context.  Anything even heresy must be taken in context so the contradictions of doctrine can be pointed out.  Now for one good example:

While I am definitely against Roman Catholicism but some Baptist apologists have cropped this picture to only feature one hand when in reality, the former Pope, Benedict XVI raised two hands to say he was doing a Nazi salute. Also the argument is very much guilt by association just like always bringing up he was a former Hitler youth which he had already openly admitted.  It doesn't mean the Pope raises his hands  into the air like that doesn't make the action wrong because as far as I think, raising one's hands like in the picture is a picture of sharing blessings.  I don't agree with Catholic doctrine or practice only if it doesn't agree with the Bible not because they do it like Catholic missions do feed the poor but that doesn't make feeding the poor wrong.  That's one major consequence of what happens if you don't take things in context and don't use the Bible as a parameter to measure practices and doctrines as right and wrong.

In fact, the Nazi salute is copied after the Roman salute, the Nazi sign was copied after the Swastika of Buddhism and that would jump into the illogical conclusion that Buddhists are Nazis (when they are not) or that Hitler was a Roman because he did the Roman salute thanks to the logical fallacy of guilt by association.  In exposing Catholicism, I stick primary to exposing its doctrines before anything else and not on conspiracy theories.  In fact, the former Pope even admitted he was part of the rather compulsory for all German boys, the Hitler youth program so it's a weak argument against Catholicism compared to debunking its doctrines like devotion to Mary with the Bible in context as the parameter.  When exposing Catholicism, STICK to the Bible vs. its doctrines!

4.) Worse comes to worst, getting physical with the opponent.

I read of how after a heated debate, a group of INC members beat up some Independent Baptists.  However like it or not, some Independent Baptists show a hostile spirit though maybe not as violent as Catholic Faith Defenders or INC but hostile nonetheless.  It was really something when I knew a pastor wanted to challenge the Catholic apologist to a fist fight after a rather harsh exchange of heckles and insults towards each other.  In my own case, I even tried slapping a Catholic apologist after a rather harsh exchange of words which I am not proud of.