Christian Charity Projects Should Be Careful NOT To Promote Mendicancy

It's a frequent misconception that giving to beggars must be a good thing but it's not always. Some beg because they are handicapped but others beg because they are lazy fellows. So while I am not against feeding programs or helping the poor who have less in life, one must however realize that sometimes Christians may end up taking charity at the wrong direction. That is instead of teaching the less fortunate to fish, they are always giving them fish which in turn, creates a mendicancy cycle or parasitism rather than mutualism. Charity is love in action and love doesn't rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth and promoting mendicancy is no act of love but rather indulgence.

If Christians become "too charitable" it's no longer charity but mendicancy which is to make beggars depend on begging from others instead of depending on work to survive. Why is it not allowable? One may want to check out on Proverbs. Proverbs 6:6-9, 10:26, 12:24-27, 13:4, 15:19, 18:9,19:15-24, 20:4, 21:25, 22:13, 24:30, 26:13-16 and 26:15 actually have their warnings against laziness. If Christians will continue to make these poor dependent on them rather than teaching the poor to fish, one must consider, "Give him fish and he will only have a meal dependent on you. Teach him how to fish and he will have a meal even without you around." Try to consider the poor man who works and gets to have a better life eventually vs. the poor man who doesn't work and waits for the coin to drop and doesn't get more.

One may also consider that aside from feeding them and clothing them, Bible classes and teaching them life's values is very important. One must consider that beggars are a nuisance even to the less fortunate who are striving hard to earn a penny to live or that squatters are dirty at best. The Bible also states that sinners are not just saved, they are saved from their sins. That is, salvation brings forth a new life. The Apostle Paul stated in 1 Corinthians 9:11 that such were some of them, that is before they were saved, they were all but immoral, but after that their lives have changed. It's important to show that becoming a Christian is life changing, not just a stagnant life.