The Issue of Pornography
It's a shame really how some people think nothing is wrong with pornography and that it's art. One of the worst justifications they have had about the matter is that God made Adam and Eve naked. Excuse me, will they please re-read Genesis 3 again? One might consider after they sinned, Adam and Eve felt ashamed and covered themselves. God gave them clothing before expelling them out of Eden because of sin. One must realize that sex was created for marriage and that the viewing of another's nakedness was only for legitimate sexual relations, not for sinful pleasure.
In Exodus 32 we read one of the worst incidents ever. Moses just came down from Mt. Sinai after begging God not to destroy the Hebrew people. But then he got so crazy when he found out that people were already dancing naked around. He knew camp cleaning had to be done. I can understand why he went crazy - poor Moses had every right to get nuts with the immorality. Just imagine at least 3,000 people died that day out from that whole drunken orgy and ancient rock and roll rally.
Man in his sinful state has malice. Matthew 5:27-28 has Jesus condemning any form of lust towards the opposite sex. Pornography does the same. It triggers lust which Jesus equates as adultery. And maybe I should mention the porn materials that are now available online are not only promoting just nakedness and sexual intercourse. One may also see pornographic materials involving incest, adultery, orgies, bestiality and pedophilia. Clearly the world is crashing towards the direction of the sins of Sodom. In the ancient past, nude art was already a fad and today, the epidemic has become worse.
So what can Christians do? They can protest against pornography by rallying against porn stores and boycotting stores that sell them. Decent women if need be, should be like Carry Nation - burning pornography while singing hymns, attacking porn shops if need be. Concerned parents must dump the porn off their homes because there is no place for such filth in the home. Remember the struggle can only be won by the power against sin in the Lord Jesus Christ!