Why Stooping Down to the Level to Scoffers Doesn't Help the Christian!
In the Christian ministry, it's never an easy walk. After all, Jesus always warned of trials and wrongful persecution. You just cannot please everybody. When you think of it, there are always DIFFICULT people to deal with and they are not easy to deal with. For a Christian, it's very hard to turn the other cheek especially when one is badly and emotionally wounded. Based on the flesh, it's very difficult to practice meekness especially the old nature wants revenge, the new nature wants to right wrongs God's way. And it's not very easy mind you especially with a world going down the drain.
Yes there will be difficult people to deal with and they will keep coming and going. It is certain for one that scoffers do play their own list of nasty games for their own personal enjoyment. Some of them know the truth but refuse to accept or reveal it, they know that they are lying but they present it as truth anyway. I mean, some people who accuse me of being a homosexual know the truth I'm not. But they do it anyway out of their delight in making people angry or causing trouble. It's fun to make others angry until it backfires. Galatians 6:7 says that God will not be mocked, you reap what you sow! Catholic Faith Defenders have a bad habit of heckling and insulting, members of ADD and INC are no better with the games they play. But someday, just watch as it will certainly backfire at them!
Let's face it- it's very hard to turn the other cheek. It's something the old nature of the Christian does't want to do. It's always, "I'll get my revenge!" whenever the old nature surfaces. But the Bible is clear both Old Testament and New Testament that the eye for eye system was not a formula for personal revenge. Deuteronomy 5:10 mentions that nobody should be bearing grudges. A crushed pride is never easy to deal with and get over with. People will always quarrel and sometimes, sad to say but some people have already lost their minds when they even resolve to murdering people over a stupid insult that could have just been ignored. One must realize that forgiveness is not about negating justice. Rather it's letting God's justice work. God does not instantly punish people because He is still giving them the chance to repent. I mean why God doesn't allow criminals t be punished immediately because one, ALL have sinners (Romans 3:10-19).
But as said, it's part of one's Higher Calling. The Christian is called out of the world. John 15:18-19 and James 4:4 testify that the Christian is not a friend of the world and the friend of the world is an enemy of God. Jesus warned that the world will hate Christians and in this world where one force of darkness combats each other (ex. homosexuality vs. chauvinism). Also, one must consider if one claims to be a Christian and is not a victim of unjust and wrongful persecution, where the crowd would rather praise a criminal than a godly law enforcer, then something is wrong. The Christian is always scheduled for wrongful persecution whenever they share the Gospel. Rather than get even with scoffers or be vindictive, one must always God for grace to be humble and patient wit them.