Works Salvation as a Common Denominator for Ecumenism
It's almost everywhere that salvation is preached to be the work of man rather than the work of God. Why is it? Works salvation appeals to the proud and delusional. It appeals to the boastful. It ignores the absolute holiness of God that declares man's fallen state. Why I am writing about works salvation as a common denominator for ecumenism is this- the Gospel has been attacked and the cart is put before the horse. It's very mainstream- aside from seeing the obvious evils like blasphemy, immodesty and pornography we are seeing the dangers of works salvation.
So how is works salvation a common denominator towards ecumenism? Almost every religion teaches one must work for their salvation, no dependence on God's will at all! We have it, "God will help those who help themselves." rather than the Biblical truth that, "God will help you if you are in His will." thinking. One may think of these facts:
1.) The Pseudo-Christian movements ALL teach salvation of "faith" plus works which s no faith at all which can be illustrated like this. The sinner hold the rope but also holds the broken ladder. He hasn't repented of sin, his sin of pride. The Roman Catholic institution teaches that people are saved by faith and works. The other so-called Christian unions like Mormonism, INC, Charismatics, Ang Dating Daan, Hutterites, Jehovah's Witness, SDA, etc. come as Christian groups but in reality TEACH works salvation. That is "faith in Christ plus... salvation, ten commadments, etc." They teach that like obedience to Pope/Mission President/INC President/Soriano/etc. is necessary for salvation. It's no wonder why the Orthodox and Roman Catholic groups are now embracing each other.
2.) Pagan religions teach salvation by works. Buddhism teaches that to be saved, one must live a life relying on one's own strength, follow the Noble Eightfold Path, do this and do that... ritualism! Hinduism teaches the law of karma. However the rule of karma can be negated by this fact- not all people who suffer misery right now are wicked. The prophets of God weren't living glamorous lives. Paul lived a life of persecution. The Bible warns that godly men will suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3:12). Billy Sunday didn't live a millionaire's life- he may have had a big church but Frank Sinatra all his life until death like he was comfortable. Islam with its worship of Allah also teaches Ramadan and Hadji as well as working for salvation to be saved. Again, that's a big lie!
3.) Mainstream media teaches works salvation. The Santa Claus lie is a very good way to cultivate works salvation and it is one good example of works salvation in mainstream media. The Santa Claus doctrine quickly crosses out the naughty and rewards the good. Christmas centered on the fiction that is Santa Claus is self-righteous and hypocritical. Although Jesus does not condone sin but He offers forgiveness and new life to all who are in His naughty list. Like it or not, we've all been naughty (Romans 3:10-19) and we deserve nothing but Hell. Almost every moral story in the pagan world is doing good to appease the gods. It's self-centered good works than God-centered good works. Besides, it's a shame how Hollywood presents the account of Jesus' crucifixion from the real message of salvation by grace to just entertainment. From the fictional Santa Claus to the real Mother Theresa, the threat is very real.
Even so come Lord Jesus!