The Distinction of the Christian Life!

Many people can say, "I'm a Christian." but evidence proves otherwise.  What is one of the greatest heresies today that happen is when it's taught something as stupid as, "Well when you are saved, you can still be as bad as you want and still got to Heaven."  That's utterly nonsense.  Do I teach works salvation?  No, I am trying to differentiate the saved from the unsaved.  Either you are a saint or an ain't.  There is no in-between when it comes to the truth vs. the lie. A truth will always remain the truth, a lie will always remain a lie.  

What is foolish is to teach salvation that does not result in sanctification.  1 Corinthians 6:11 has the words, "And such were some of you."  The keywords are justification AND sanctification.  To be sanctified means to be set apart for God.  The command is repent ye and believe the Gospel (Mark 1:15).  We have repentance and remission of sins (Luke 24:47).  There is a turning from sin that happens.  Now it doesn't mean to forsake sin to be saved, rather turning means, "to revolve mentally, to think over."  That's what a turn from sin means.

Repentance of sin is necessary in this way.  Would you want to be saved from sin if you love your sin?  Absolutely not.  John 3:20 is clear that people don't want to turn to Christ lest their deeds be exposed.  When sin is brought to the light, it's a very frightening picture.  God who is so holy, even one little sin is enough for eternal damnation.  Yet God in His mercy provided Jesus Christ.  Now it's time to talk about the distinction between the Christian life and the unbelieving life.

First, Christians are called out from the world.  Christians are not of this world.  John 15:18-19 is clear that Christians are not of the world.  They are called out of the world.  James 4:4 calls every friend of the world an enemy of God.  Before salvation, the Christian used to be an enemy of God and sinful lifestyle is a very strong evidence about that.  But after salvation, now that the person is a Christian, the person reveals a much different nature.  He is a friend of God and an enemy of the world.  The world matters not anymore (1 John 2:15-17).

Second, God's work is manifest and presented by good works as a result of salvation.  Being a Christian means having a new life.  I have mentioned about sanctification and justification.  In context, 1 Corinthians 6:11 talks about the sinner before and after salvation.  Before salvation, they were unrighteous before God.  But after salvation, there's a change.  You cannot have Christians still flaunting in their sins like homosexuality, stealing and drunkenness.  Although sanctification is not instant, no instant maturity but God's work happens in the life of the believer.

Third, true faith begets works.  The challenge of James 2 is this, "If you are saved, show it to me then by your works."  What does it mean faith without works is dead?  Does that mean a man must do good works to maintain salvation?  Not at all otherwise it's works salvation.  Rather genuine faith will result to good works.  Hebrews 11 is a commentary of faith.  It shows the great deeds done by the heroes of faith.  Faith is not just passive, it results to active action.

Fourth, Christian life means having a personal relationship with Christ manifested by a listening ear and desire to obey Him.  John 10 talks about the personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  It's not, "I have a personal relationship and I can live all I want."  There is a difference between the goats and the sheep.  The goats have no listening ear, the sheep does.  What Jesus warned is this... those who are His have a listening ear.  They may backslide but they always return back.  Being a Christian means you desire to obey Jesus at a daily basis.  It means that they can no longer revel in sin because of that personal relationship with Jesus.

Fifth, obedience to Christ is displayed.  Hebrews 5:9 says, "And he became (past tense) the Author of salvation to those that obey (present tense) Him."  Jesus said in John 15:14, "Ye are my friends if ye do whatever I command of you."  I mentioned about the sheep's listening ear.  The personal relationship has the desire to obey and obedience.  Proof of true conversion is obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.  You cannot say, "I'm saved." and then be living sinfully.  That's foolishness.  If you possess eternal security, obedience to Christ is manifest.

Sixth, Jesus is the Lord of the life of every believer.  One of the biggest heresies is to say you can receive Christ as Savior but not as Lord.  That is utter heresy.  Receiving Christ as Lord of your life is not works salvation because the good works follow after Christ is Lord, not before.  To receive Him as Lord of your life means to finally stop your way and do His way of salvation.  Getting saved is the start and because salvation is continuous, obedience is a result of having Christ as the Lord of one's life.

Seventh, true Christians will persevere to the end.  True converts will show up when persecution comes.  The Christian may be afraid of being tortured for their faith right now but when they are tortured, it becomes very different.  The illustration can be a preacher who was hiding under the bush because the Communists were coming.  However after he was caught and tortured, he was no longer afraid but showed he was a true Christian even at gunpoint.  False converts will stay for awhile but true converts will stay (1 John 2:19).  In short, those who renounced their faith didn't loser their salvation because they never had it to begin with.