Why Lying About Santa Claus is Always a Hoax Hoax Hoax No Matter What
Hopefully I'll get the message across that Santa Claus will always be a hoax hoax hoax. Why is that? I am already getting sick and tired of parents and elders who teach their children not to lie, lie about Santa Claus and say it's just a white lite. It's a hoax hoax hoax to no end. I hope this article will tell children the truth that THERE IS NO SANTA CLAUS. I used to get irritated whenever I was told that because I believed my elders would never lie. I learned the bitter truth later that not only is there no Santa Claus but parenting deviated from Christian values goes wrong.
So how is the entire issue of Santa Claus always a hoax hoax hoax no matter what? Parents can say, "Well it's just a fantasy game." Excuse me there is a huge difference between mom and dad playing Santa Claus AND the child is aware there is no Santa Claus vs. telling them Santa Claus exists. Let me show you a point between the two. This will help expose the guilt of those parents who continue to think nothing is wrong with Santa Claus parenting.
If mom and dad were playing Santa Claus and the child is aware there is no Santa Claus, they are just pretending. The child knows that the Santa Claus from the day the game started to the day the game ended was just someone else in a suit. It's just like going to a show and Mickey Mouse is on stage. The child enjoys the show but is aware that it wasn't Mickey Mouse on stage but it was just a performer. The child wants to greet the performer thanking the latter for acting out as Mickey Mouse. It's just like how Red Riding Hood is told. We are aware that Red Riding Hood does not exist and the child is told ahead that it's just a story but with a moral lesson.
Now where does the other one, namely lying about Santa Claus falls into? It's always justified by the lie to make a person happy vs. a truth that drives a tear. Sad to say but Jesus didn't sugar coat the Gospel just because He's afraid that we as sinners will be upset. It's like how the double your money scheme works... they don't reveal it's a fraud. The scam artist says, "You can double your money in X years. Trust me and you can get an i-Phone." Likewise, parents who con their children into believing that there is a Santa Claus to get them to behave are no better than swindlers who lie to clients in order to get money. Worse, even when some Santa Claus movies' directors say, "Well there's no Santa Claus." some parents still continue to sugar coat the bitter truth that there is no Santa Claus.
If you think every child can just recover, think again. After I found out there was no Santa Claus, I soon left in bitterness and fixed into chronic lying. You reap what you sow and that's the hard truth about lying about Santa Claus or JUST ANYTHING. Authority is never established by just words, it requires action. I remembered also how often I felt bad about Christmas because there is no Santa Claus, how often I cried at the reality and was in denial for some time. Fortunately I found someone more wonderful than Santa Claus can be. It's the Lord Jesus Christ!