Homosexuals Are Playing the Victim to Further Their Vile Agenda!

Homosexuals are gaining the "sympathy' of the world with their playing the victim mentality.  There is such a problem called the "victim mentality" to where even if they are not the victim, they pretend to be the victim.  Satan has had several methods of carrying out his evil and as said, he can appear as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).  Satan can use both direct and indirect methods to get whatever evil he wants to be done... even if it means doing outward works of righteousness which are but dead works, not good works sprang from man's total depravity.  Likewise, homosexuals are never exempt from Satan's deceitful game.

When I started reading the news, I noticed how homosexuals tend to pretend to be bullied even if they are also capable of bullying.  One time a Christian baker refused to bake a cake for a homosexual marriage, he was immediately charged with a hate crime.  Refusing a customer for their information is not a hate crime.  Plus, it's double standard to how they get mad if a Christian refuses to bake their cake but if a Christian asks them to bake a Christian wedding cake, they refuse and can get away with that they just did.  More often than not, I have observed how homosexuals will play the victim, give false charges and you can name every subtle but dirty tactic they can throw on Christians.  What did the Christian do?  He or she did not even attack them, demand their deaths and simply told them they were wrong.  The Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 4:16 on whether or not he has become an enemy for preaching the Gospel.

The logic of "liberals" is always vile to the core and Isaiah 32:5 says that no longer shall the vile be called a liberal.  That means, these "liberals" will always be called vile before the eyes of a holy and righteous God.  They claim that they are open-minded, rational, tolerant and loving but the moment they hear the slightest drop of Christian doctrine, you can see their true colors.  It was just like when Pastor Douglas Wilson went to preach at Indiana University when a group of what I assume to be atheists rudely interrupted his speech with a pile of false accusations.  Many times, I have seen when a pastor comes to preach to homosexuals, he usually ends up beaten up and he hasn't done anything life threatening to them.  They say it's a hate crime to tell them they are wrong (which violates free speech which they have twisted and perverted) but it's not a hate crime to beat up a Christian for telling them the truth.  Then they again play the victim to get sympathy which I believe some of them even purposely hurt themselves or play a skit to frame Christians.  

Their true colors will always show with how disrespectful and uncivilized they act before Christians.  Whenever I think of the Indiana University incident, those students showed how rude they were to the speaker.  If they respected free speech, they would have raised their objections professionally like wait for their turn.  Instead, they chose to shout at Pastor Wilson and accuse him of homophobia, racism, being a slave driver and the list can go on.  Worse, they refuse to differentiate the difference between how ISIS militants are brutally treating homosexuals to Christians who uphold the fact that homosexuality is wrong without resolving to violence.  Sad to say, they have chosen to remain in their total depravity which will be used against them on Judgment Day unless they get saved.  But many of them will refuse to get saved because they love their sinful lifestyle.