Arthur W. Pink's Book "Eternal Security" is a Must Read

Many people today have a very wrong view of eternal security and both sides, the Arminians and the Antinomians hold a very wrong view of eternal security. To the Arminian, the founder of the viewpoint Jacobus Arminius taught you lose your salvation every time you sin and that the doctrine of eternal security was made by Satan to mislead the saved back to him. To the Antinomian (many today might best be called the post-modern churches or "easy Christianity" who tend to be Antinomian by their actions with their can't live the way you want means works salvation doctrine) they believe that being saved mans, "Woohoo! I can sin all I want because I'm saved!" and believe that a Christian can remain carnal indefinite and still go to Heaven but with no reward. Arthur W. Pink shows that both sides of the coin are erroneous and not to mention, stupid.

As I read through the chapters of Pink's book, he shows how eternal security actually leads to holiness than deviates from it. He shows the erroneous examples used by Arminians to justify their heresy (namely Saul and Judas Iscariot, both types of Antichrist) and how the Antinomian is not saved either. I noticed that the book can easily be criticized as "double talk" by the "easy Christianity" crowd because they seem to want a salvation that allows them do as they please or believe in Christians who never mature beyond infancy. The book while it rejects the idea of sinless perfectionism, spits at the idea that a Christian may live the way they want and shows how believers who fall into sin differ from the Antinomian. As said, 1 Corinthians 3:1 addresses Christians who had problems with carnality like a healthy man who catches a flu or cold but there are no continuously carnal Christians.

He also explains apostasy as proof towards not being saved. 1 John 2:19 is one of the most ignored verses today by Antinomians and Arminians. Arminians are quick to dump the false convert doctrine using the false categorical mistake of pregnancy and salvation. Semi-Arminians may believe that a person may not lose their salvation whenever they sin but have the possibility of renouncing one's faith in Christ which was a view I once held. However the more I held on to the faith, the more I realized that true faith in Jesus though it may falter will not totally fall away. Antinomians on the other hand still treat the "ex-believers" as brethren in spite of Scriptural warning that those who departed from Christianity were not Christians to ever begin with. Those who fall away, go back to the world and revel in sin are false converts while Christians may fall away, backslide, sin but sooner or later, God by His grace will lead them to the cycle of repentance and restoration.

Meanwhile, enjoy this video as Todd Friel "lends a hand" with why you can't lose your salvation. He's also one of the most attacked preachers by the "easy Christianity" crowd. Enjoy!