How Should Christians Respond To Full Legalization of Same Sex Marriage?

It's a sad, sad day for the United States of America.  The homosexuals had won to appeal for what will be supporting their very own doom - if Jihadists won't kill them, their very actions may soon kill them with all the dangers related to homosexual activity.  They will always pretend to be the victim of homophobia even when they are not.  However, it's very important for a Christian to know how to respond to the dilemma of homosexuality.  Times like these, I am tempted to take Steven Anderson's rather extreme stand or the late Fred Phelps' rather extreme stand.  But that is not what the Scripture would recommend.

Should Christians go crazy like Steven Anderson with his tirades that has his, "The only way the world can get AIDS free is if we kill homosexuals!" or become like the Westboro Baptists and shout "God Hate Fags!" and cause trouble?  Christians as much as they are called to oppose homosexual marriage, however, are not called to massacre homosexuals but to preach to them and endure persecution.  Try listening to the video above to see what Christians should respond towards the sin of same sex marriage. 

It's never easy to lose your cool especially homosexuals can be very irritating.  They can keep playing the victim when you tell them they are wrong and that the Bible is right.  They don't think beyond the stupidity of the "liberals".  I know it's not easy to keep your cool especially they can spew out the nastiest insults.  I know some unsaved radio host can get on any Christian's nerves but it wouldn't help for a Christian to strangle him or punch him out of anger especially if it's aired on TV.  It's important never to stoop down to their level or debate them, instead it's evangelize, pray and endure persecution but it's easier said than done.

Some people will not be convinced of the error of their ways.  If they refuse to listen, it's time to leave them alone but never forget to pray.  Don't entertain sinister gossips or react to them.  People don't like it when people don't react to their insults.  They love an angry man better (that is, until they are really mauled or killed).  It's all about this, "Let he who sinned not cast the first stone." that is, you can only take the law into your own hands if you are sinless.

Also, what should be done about President Barack Obama?  Kill him?  No, it's best to also pray for him.  Christians are requested to pray for wayward authorities.  I don't see any reason why Christians should not pray for an otherwise reprobate ruler in President Obama.  Remember, he is not the Antichrist because the latter only shows up after the Rapture, not before the Rapture.  

See also: