Global Warming Is A Sign of The Times

Evolutionists tend to have the tendency to say that Creationists are denying global warming. When I feel the heat is coming up, I can only think of Jesus coming soon. Revelation 16:8 warns that during the Tribulation Period's end, the sun will soon become hot enough to scorch men with fire. Even right now, I feel that the sun has such a great power to cause more heat that you would be relieved to even just have an electric fan near you.

While not the whole world is feeling the heat right now but certainly some parts of the world are already affected by the phenomenon called global warming. Whenever I observe all the smoke belchers, throwing garbage just anywhere, reckless waste disposal, factory smoke, overproduction of carbon due to a high demand of electricity, recklessly cutting down trees which cool down the environment then you know lost men are on their way to destruction. I have observed how people have destroyed God's creation in the name of science falsely so called. If you are to be truly scientific then you will consider the consequences of your actions but in the last days, men will get more and more wicked.

Revelation 16:9 also warns that the men refuse to repent and blaspheme God. Right now, we are even getting a preview of that happening. When it's hot, I can hear the atheist say, "If God is so good, why is the weather so hot?" or "Curse you God for the heat!" which is nothing more than blaming God for not allowing them to live the life they want. Doesn't that sound like what's going to happen in the Tribulation based on Revelation 16:9? Indeed it does sound like that in my ears especially as I read the Bible, the more current events do not surprise me at all! If the ozone layer is disappearing faster than all the pollutants released into the world daily then it can only be God's hand removing it in preparation for prophecy to be fulfilled in the Tribulation Period.

Even so come Lord Jesus!