The Jesus of Easy Christianity vs. The Jesus of the Bible!

Looking at this picture of Dr. Steven Lawson of One Passion Ministries, I cannot help but agree to what he said that, "If Jesus had not changed your life, the Jesus you met was another Jesus."  Some may say that I'm teaching works salvation, that the idea of the perseverance of the saints makes salvation complicated (HUH?!) and the list of false accusations can get longer and longer.  The truth is unchangeable that if a person claims to know Christ but lives no differently than before, something is really wrong with that profession of faith.

The whole misunderstanding behind Lordship salvation is due to a lack of research.  What Lordship salvation emphasizes is the difference between the true convert and the false convert.  What it does not teach is the need of works to be saved or that salvation can be lost.  What is emphasized is that if a person is truly saved then there has to be some changes.  There is a huge difference between the immature believer and the false convert who revels in sin.

The immature believer has issues but he or she wants to be free of sin.  You may not see him live like the rest of the world but they can compromise with sin.  You may see such a person do good works for God's glory but you caught him doing lesser sins in the next.  Does that mean that he or she is not saved?  The person is still saved and the evidence is in the lifestyle but there are some problems in their Christian life as old habits die hard.  On the other hand, the false convert who revels in sin lives like as if there is no God, he or she thinks it's okay to sin and that they are saved even if they are trusting in another Jesus.

When the "Easy Christians" say that I am demonic because I teach that Christians cannot live the way they want; they take what I say out of context and not into context.  When I say Christians cannot live the way they want, it's the fruit and not the root of salvation.  Christians may fall into sin, sometimes even horribly but the backslider is not an apostate.  When a Christian backslides, they should expect Hebrews 12:5-7 which the Lord punishes them to get them back on track.

See also: