Reflecting on the Statement "Do Not Even the Publicans Do So?"
Matthew 5:46-47 says, "For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?"
I always thought of the statement, "Do not even the publicans do that?" when it comes to being rebuked by the actions of the world can rebuke the actions of the Christian. I hope this entry will at least awaken our senses and I could give some examples that might actually at least, hopefully, will get all Christians to awaken to challenge themselves better to do better and bear more fruit for God.
1.) When Christians fail to read the Bible and spend time with God in the early morning
I do feel guilty whenever I fail to read the Bible or read my Spurgeon devotional in the morning. It reminds me that if a Roman Catholic can get up in the morning to pray the Rosary for 15 minutes, why do so many Christians at times fail to get up earlier than usual in the morning to read the Bible and spend time with God in the morning?
2.) When Christians fail to give the best gift they can for the ministry of the LORD as thanksgiving
It's upsetting to think that sometimes, some unsaved people can have more respect for their ministers than Christians can at times. It's stupid to think how a Roman Catholic got all the trouble to prepare delicious food for the Catholic priest; on the other hand the Christian who could afford to give delicious food did not do so with his pastor. The same can be true that the Christian topped the board exam but failed to immediately give thanks while the unbeliever immediately gave his best offering to a local heathen temple for topping the board.
3.) When Christians fail to exercise basic Christian values towards unbelievers
It's annoying whenever I lose my testimony saying, "Why did I even do that?" Although Christians will not be living like the rest of the world that even if they may have stopped being sexual degenerates but you cannot deny there are other sins that exist. You can still expect the truly saved Christian that although he is not reveling in sin, he could actually do something as throw a tantrum or go overboard against other people.
4.) When Christians fail to have an attitude of gratitude in tithes and offerings
The attitude of gratitude is something that Christians can also fail at times. I'll admit that it shamed me to think how certain people can give their best. A scenario might be you will see how a Roman Catholic made sure all his fruits were fresh for the offering basket. However, there are times some Christians end up not giving their best for the offering basket on a church anniversary.
I always thought of the statement, "Do not even the publicans do that?" when it comes to being rebuked by the actions of the world can rebuke the actions of the Christian. I hope this entry will at least awaken our senses and I could give some examples that might actually at least, hopefully, will get all Christians to awaken to challenge themselves better to do better and bear more fruit for God.
1.) When Christians fail to read the Bible and spend time with God in the early morning
I do feel guilty whenever I fail to read the Bible or read my Spurgeon devotional in the morning. It reminds me that if a Roman Catholic can get up in the morning to pray the Rosary for 15 minutes, why do so many Christians at times fail to get up earlier than usual in the morning to read the Bible and spend time with God in the morning?
2.) When Christians fail to give the best gift they can for the ministry of the LORD as thanksgiving
It's upsetting to think that sometimes, some unsaved people can have more respect for their ministers than Christians can at times. It's stupid to think how a Roman Catholic got all the trouble to prepare delicious food for the Catholic priest; on the other hand the Christian who could afford to give delicious food did not do so with his pastor. The same can be true that the Christian topped the board exam but failed to immediately give thanks while the unbeliever immediately gave his best offering to a local heathen temple for topping the board.
3.) When Christians fail to exercise basic Christian values towards unbelievers
It's annoying whenever I lose my testimony saying, "Why did I even do that?" Although Christians will not be living like the rest of the world that even if they may have stopped being sexual degenerates but you cannot deny there are other sins that exist. You can still expect the truly saved Christian that although he is not reveling in sin, he could actually do something as throw a tantrum or go overboard against other people.
4.) When Christians fail to have an attitude of gratitude in tithes and offerings
The attitude of gratitude is something that Christians can also fail at times. I'll admit that it shamed me to think how certain people can give their best. A scenario might be you will see how a Roman Catholic made sure all his fruits were fresh for the offering basket. However, there are times some Christians end up not giving their best for the offering basket on a church anniversary.