Watch This Video of Ray Comfort on Militant Evangelism!
Sometimes, it's very easy to just focus on Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, William Tyndale Charles Spurgeon or Huldyrch Zwingli when it comes to Reformation month. A sad fact that many Christians may be celebrating October 31 by singing "A Mighty Fortress is our God" or by dramatizing Martin Luther, giving Gospel tracts to Trick or Treaters, evangelizing witches wherever they appear but do we also spend time to honor Reformed pastors who are still alive? Remember, the Reformers of the past may be dead and gone but they intended the Reformation to continue.
While I used to think preachers like Ray Comfort, John F. Macarthur, Paul David Washer and Robert Charles Sproul were part of the "New World Order" (as some conspiracy nutjobs would want me to believe) or they taught salvation by works (no thanks to a website I read for several years but thank God I avoided that site courtesy of my good friend, Atty. Zigfred M. Diaz of The Master's Community Fellowship). Looking at this video, Comfort is having a Reformation against non-militant evangelism because it's one of the greatest dangers facing evangelism today.
The more I started checking out these preachers, the more I realize that these preachers were far more in touch with the doctrine of the Apostles and the Reformers. It was regretful to say that I was part of the Lordship Salvation controversy for some time. The more I investigated the links given to be by Atty. Diaz, the more I am convinced my writing ministry needed a fresh new start from the very beginning, a reboot if you must. So as said, listen to this video to see what you really need to learn about militant evangelism.
Besides do we even stress Biblical repentance? Many times, we hear that repentance is just a change of mind, however we forget the change of purpose. True God repents but it is not from sin since He has no sin. Luke 24:47 says that the preaching is not just the remission of sins but also repentance of sins going with the phrase, "The repentance and remission of sins." You do not repent of your sins by turning to God. A heart that does not repent of sin will refuse to believe on the Savior. Many say to teach repentance of sin is works salvation. What does it mean to repent of sin? As metanoneia means to have a change of mind which begets a change of purpose, to repent of one's sin is to change one's mind about sin and the Savior.