Reflecting on Charles H. Spurgeon's Quote on Knowing God and His Word
Looking at this quote by Charles H. Spurgeon on God and knowing His Word, there's only one way that people can know God and it's by His Word. A lost sinner does not know God because he or she is antagonistic towards the Word of God. The lost sinner must be first exposed to the Word of God to know God and His holiness. The Law presents itself as God's perfect standard which nobody can keep. As Galatians 3:24 says that the Law is the schoolmaster that brings us to Christ. The unbeliever must be exposed to God's Word and to know it, before He can come to a saving knowledge of faith in Jesus Christ.
After a person gets saved - then it's time to get deeper into His Word to know God better as each day passes. To know God better, one must know His Word better and that can only be done by reading the Bible. There's a statement that you check your social media accounts or your mobile phones for messages from your friends but you haven't been opening the Bible that much to see what He has to say. God speaks to Christians today by His Word as the Book of Reveletion has finally been finished, it's been done so no more supernatural messages are needed. Revelation 22:18-19 warns that nobody shoudl ever add or deduct from the words of prophecy. Anybody who claims to be a prophet in this modern age is already a false prophet and they just expose themselves by both their quack predictions and their doctrine.