The Hypocrisy of Telling Someone, "Don't Judge Me!"

It has become a common picture that people just love to misapply verses for their convenience.  Matthew 7:1-2 and Luke 6:37 are frequently cherry-picked.  It reminds me of the video when somebody first said, "Didn't the Bible tell you not to judge." then later the same person says, "Yes I'm judging you for judging me."  This of course is hypocritical because there is a huge difference with being judgmental and judging.  Judgmental means that you are judging people quickly and critically or the tendency to judge harshly.  Judgment on the other hand means the act of making a decision after careful thought or the act of judging someone.  To judge a person means to regard something as good or bad.

Matthew 7:1-5 talks about judgment which warns that before you take the speck out of somebody's eye, take out the log out of your eye first.  It also means before correcting others, you must correct yourself and that the very first person you must judge first is yourself.  Making judgment is not wrong at all if one first judges himself before others or to make a careful analysis before throwing one's judgment.  A proper court of law does not just sentence anyone without a proper procedure.  If judging was wrong, God would be wrong to appoint judges to rule over Israel in the Book of Judges.

I am really annoyed by those who claim to be liberals and say that they are so tolerant, they never judge anyone but they are in fact judging Christians.  When Christians tell homosexuals out of love that they are in the wrong and they need repentance, they start throwing out judgments which they call Christians as "racists" and "homophobes" without knowing the real situation.  Roman Catholics tell me I am being judgmental towards them whenever I tell them that they are in the wrong.  If they say it is wrong to judge, why are they judging Christians to be wrong?  It is a very contradictory statement.

This also reminded me of how people are warned about Hell and Judgment and all they say is, "Don't judge me."  People say that I have no right to judge their heretical doctrine even after I have judged my doctrine first with the Bible.  It's always been an excuse to say, "Who are you to judge?  Are you without sin?  I rebuke you, you unloving, self-righteous, legalistic judgmental Pharisee." to the person who is warning about sin and judgment.  This results to what Judgment Day might be that aside from people who say, "Why didn't you warn me?" to those who have failed to warn them, there is also the reply Christians can give, "But didn't you say, don't judge me?" to those whom they have warned about Hellfire and judgment unless they receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.