We Need More Christians Need to Stand up Against the Hamans of This World Like Mordecai Did
Esther 3:4 says, "Now it came to pass, when they spake daily unto him, and he hearkened not unto them, that they told Haman, to see whether Mordecai's matters would stand: for he had told them that he was a Jew."
Galatians 6:9 says, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." That's what Mordecai did and he did right even if it meant getting into trouble with that bully of a hall monitor in Haman. The result was that with a Mordecai like that, Haman soon walked into his own destruction. Arrogant people will sooner or later get their due. Getting even or taking revenge on the Hamans of today doesn't work. It's best to do what you can doing God's work while leaving that Haman into the hands of Almighty God.
There is a lot of lessons to be learned from Esther and Mordecai. In contrast to what some nutjob conspiracy theorists say about the Book of Esther, one must realize there was a deeper reason why Mordecai didn't bow down to Haman. Would have it been just simple respect, he would have given it but it was more than that. Haman was demanding worship and people to tolerate such idiotic bullying. I'm afraid but any conspiracy theorist who accuses Mordecai of arrogance has to reread the Book of Esther. If a Christian is forced to bow down to an arrogant bully like Haman, they need to stand up like Mordecai.
There are people today who are like Haman. While they may not necessarily demand worship but they can bully others. You can have them in schools, you can have them in the workplace, you can have them just anywhere. Mordecai did the right thing by not giving in to peer pressure and when he said he was a Jew, that he belonged to God, he did the right thing!
Do you have problems with Hamans? We need more Mordecais to stand up against those arrogant Hamans. The more people give in to arrogant Hamans, the more they are encouraged to do what they do. Sometimes, it takes to do what Mordecai or Esther did. Take that risk to really make sure that the Hamans don't get away with what they do as lawful and orderly as possible. Mordecai did what was right by turning in the two guards who plotted to assassinate the king. What happened soon was that Mordecai got the honor that due to him and the arrogant Haman had to lead him through the plaza as the man the king honors.
Do you have problems with Hamans? We need more Mordecais to stand up against those arrogant Hamans. The more people give in to arrogant Hamans, the more they are encouraged to do what they do. Sometimes, it takes to do what Mordecai or Esther did. Take that risk to really make sure that the Hamans don't get away with what they do as lawful and orderly as possible. Mordecai did what was right by turning in the two guards who plotted to assassinate the king. What happened soon was that Mordecai got the honor that due to him and the arrogant Haman had to lead him through the plaza as the man the king honors.
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