Satan Offers You Your Best Life Now

I remembered when I was newly saved and I remembered how I used to watch Joel Osteen and other prosperity preachers on TV. One of the biggest lies that they have propagated is that God wants you best life now. The more I studied the Scripture the more I turned off the TV, the more I didn't want to watch the Trinity Broadcasting Network because of all the prosperity gospel garbage that they were giving. It was obvious that Satan really is one subtle being. No, he won't appear to you how he appears in this entry but as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).

Your best life now? I always felt that it's not from God but it's a lie straight from the pits of Hell. Jesus never offered anyone their best life now. Consider what was left behind. Matthew left the glamorous life of a publican. Peter and Andrew had to give up their livelihood as fishermen to be pastors. Becoming a Christian means you can lose everything... even your very own life! But Satan would want to tell you that God offers you your best life now. That my friend is a lie from the very pits of Hell!

Satan tempted Jesus with all the riches of the world as part of the three temptations of Jesus (Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 4:1-13). Satan gave this condition, "All this I will give to you if you will bow down and worship me." For a second, I thought of how insane Satan must be to offer the King of Kings and Lord of Lords the world! This was an easy offer but Jesus rejected it in perfect obedience to His Father. He was really working in accordance to His Father's will and rejected it. Later, in Matthew 16:23 and Mark 8:33 we have Peter getting called Satan. Peter had good intentions and didn't want Jesus to suffer. But Peter was going against God's will and Jesus may have called Peter as "Satan". Jesus probably did it because our Lord would have seen that Satan in fact influenced Peter's actions. He was no longer talking to Peter but to Satan who was influencing Peter's actions to say such nonsense.

There is the saying, "We're saving the best for last." But for Satan, he gives you the best first which makes the worst comes for last. I remembered how often God allows Satan to give the best first and the worst last. I think of how unfair it is that Cain slew Abel, how an arrogant madman like Haman got promoted first, how many ancient evil empires prospered and today we see a lot of the wicked prosper. But what does the Bible say? Psalm 49:16 says that no one should envy when the wicked become rich. Psalm 73:3 has David admitting his foolishness in envying the wicked. This is the reality that God in His sovereignty allows the wicked to prosper.

But we can see there is such an end. Haman himself was promoted to prime minister of Persia. People had to bow down to him as if he were a god. Mordecai's refusal to bow down to Haman because he was a faithful Jew who loved the Lord nearly ended the Jews' existence. Mordecai ended up sitting at the king's gate with ashes and sackcloth. It looked like there was nothing fair. Mordecai did the right thing but ended up in the king's gates. But there was a reversal that soon happened. Not long after did Haman end up getting hanged in the gallows he prepared for Mordecai. But soon the fortunes were reversed. We saw how humble Mordecai didn't only get honored by a heathen king but later, he took over Haman's place. Mordecai and Esther distributed the ill-gotten wealth among the oppressed. They even proselyted people into the faith (Esther 8:17).

The wicked themselves may have all the glamour now but we know that money is a terrible master. Sure, money is a necessity and you must manage it well. The problem is that people are controlled by their money instead of their them taking charge of their money. There are many tragic deaths today that happen because Satan gives his best life now. Some popular rock stars died young tragic deaths while others are living long in prosperity only to lose it all in one day going to Hell. It doesn't matter if these people who signed Satan's contracts died old or young. If they didn't accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior then it's over for them. What would it gain to have all the riches in the world yet spend eternity in the Lake of Fire?

If you are reading this right now and if you've sold your soul to Satan for your best life now then I have good news for you. The truth is you didn't need to sell your soul to Satan because you already belonged to him without Christ. While you are still alive, Jesus Himself is the answer. He is waiting for you to repent of your sins and receive Him as your Lord and Savior. Jesus' blood will forever void any contract with Satan. If you've made a deal with Satan then ask Jesus to forgive you and He will break that contract. The question is will you let Him in or will you let your love for sin destroy you?

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