The Christian Church is Still One in the Midst of Any Crisis Like the Recent Coronavirus Pandemic
Christians right now are faced with being physically fragmented in the crisis. Not every Christian today is qualified to go out there for medical missions. Other Christians are advised by their pastor to stay home for their own protection. Other Christians are busy in the hospital or frontline. Some are probably soldiers and policemen trying to keep up with peace and order especially when there are curfews left and right. However, the Holy Spirit is there to guide all believers whether they be ordered to stay at home or to expose themselves to danger. The Christian Institute reports that Pastor John J. Murray had died at the age of 85 after having contracted the Coronavirus. It's an act of mercy by God to send the dear preacher home to be with him. I remembered when a dear one in Christ died after 11 years of battling breast cancer - now she's free of the dangers of the recent Coronavirus outbreak because she's in Heaven now. Yet, the Church remains as one as believers whom God has said, "Stay here, it's not time to return home yet." are commanded to work with whatever they can do. In China, some Christians are in jail or even executed for their faith yet the march for life still goes on. Just because Christians are physically fragmented doesn't mean God can't work. God can show His mighty power in situations like the current Coronavirus crisis. Who knows where God's pastors are absent - the Christian health workers can be mightily used to evangelize the lost who are sick and fearing death!
God's power has been shown in the midst of epidemics. Charles H. Spurgeon faced the crisis of the London Cholera Epidemic of 1854 and it was there the church was further strengthened. For some reason, God allowed Spurgeon's area in England not to be affected by the plague. Spurgeon was able to use the great opportunity to win people during the plague. Today, Chinese Christians today are using the same opportunity to preach the Gospel in the midst of the Coronavirus outbreak. These diseases are all results of Adam's sin. Today, we all suffer as a result of sin. This also brings the situation of the Tower of Siloam. The Tower of Siloam fell and killed 18 people (Luke 13:1-5). The Lord Jesus told people that those who perished were not necessarily more guilty. Some people today who have been inflicted by the Coronavirus are God-fearing Christians. Some have even been called home. Others have died and have gone to Hell. The real lesson in any disaster (and not just the most recent one) is, "Except you repent - you will also perish!"
God bless!
See also:
- The Body of Christ is a Place to Belong
- The Characteristics of an Outstanding Local New Testament Church
- The Church DID NOT and DOES NOT Apostasize
- The Ongoing Coronavirus Outbreak, God's Sovereignty, and Christian Responsibility
- What Does the Phrase "Holy, Catholic Church" Mean?
- What It Means to Belong to the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church