Pointing You All to the Wordpress Blog, Reformed Baptist Christian Blogger
Well, it looks like this blog will still be up but no longer be updated. That means some posts in here may get updated. However, I may update some posts here and there to the new blog. The URL can be found here: Reformed Baptist Christian
I may have decided to move from David W. Cloud's style of fundamentalism (that is, non-Calvinist respecting Calvinist brethren) to becoming more or less a Calvinist. I've decided to move away from moderate fundamentalism (which was my starting point, I soon started to attend a fundamental Baptist church where it's KJV Only after some time I stagnated in my Christian faith (and I was the only saved person), and they say, "Well, why don't you just attend mass. It's just the same!" Well, I finally managed to go to church slowly but it wasn't easy. I longed to be in fellowship but as said, I really was constrained and too afraid to talk about it. All that lack of fellowship in my college years (plus studying in a Catholic university) stunted my growth while I went to Christian bookstores and talked with fellow believers. However, my performance was anything but satisfactory due to self-reliance.
Right now, I feel going to a Reformed church might be the best. Sure, there are still good fundamentalists out there. Some of my friends have moved from fundamentalists to reformed without otherwise estranging from the good fundamentalist brethren. Cloud did a good expose against the late Jack Hyles (which at first, I felt he was but misinformed by some "elaborate Jesuit scheme") and some Baptist churches that have fallen apart due to easy-believism. If fundamentalists like Cloud can embrace Calvinist brethren then I've got no problem with that. Some KJV Onlyists are still embracing non-KJV Onlyists. I'm fine with KJV Onlyism as long as they don't practice Ruckmanism or become extreme about it. Cloud so far still believes that the Gospel isn't shrouded by what he considers as "inferior translations".
Pretty much, family is family. Soli Deo Gloria!