God's Word: Sharper than ANY Deception!

Is it ANY wonder why the Roman Catholic Church tries its best to make sure people don't read their Bibles? Well they know that by the light of God's Word, their wickedness will be exposed at the light as Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." and that's it.

The power of the Bible has been like this- it's the sword that drives away the evils of the world and cuts down their curtains to expose them. The Apostles knew the power of the Scriptures and so do their successors- and I am NOT referring to the Vatican but rather, to every Bible-believing Christian who despite the fact they don't perform those signs and wonders any longer as it was for the Jews (1 Corinthians 1:22) continue to PREACH the Word of God carrying the prescribed methods of the Apostles such as physical independence of the local church, biblical authority, a family man for a pastor, preaching straight from God's Word and helping each other in the Church. Is it ANY wonder why the Apostles were so hated? Peter wasn't as popular as the Pope- nope he suffered persecution for preaching the Gospel. He was adamant on the Gospel and its message.

As a result, MANY tried to get rid of the Bible. The Roman emperors tried their best to remove the copies of the Scriptures which were written in Latin from the hands of their own people. Emperor Constantine later had corrupt bibles from Alexandria created to confuse people especially through the Council of Trent (the final authority of the Vatican). Later, the dark ages came and the Roman Catholic Church through the Inquisition killed anybody who was preaching the Bible to commoners as the Anabaptists opposed the Pope and his nonsensical laws. and their preaching caused many to convert to Christ The Bible when opened caused William Tyndale to preach boldly about the truth of the Gospel even if it meant his death. Martin Luther was awakened thanks to the Bible. Muslim governments have done the same. Communist countries sought to burn every Bible they saw. However the ironic thing is the more they persecuted Christianity, the more Bibles flooded in instead!

Also teachers of falsehood get exposed by the truth of God's Word. As said, it's quicker than any sword. False teachers get exposed themselves when their heresies are attacked by the Bible. For example, a Jesuit agent may succeed (at first) in infiltrating the Baptist pulpits but at the light of God's Word- his/her true vileness gets revealed because the false doctrine that's being planted is revealed. A deeper investigation can happen like asking the Jesuit agent crucial questions about the Bible and when they reveal their own statements like, "Oh the Catholic Church is Christian but it believes in works salvation like you all do." their facade is blown! God's Word dispels infiltrators from the pulpits, reveals their dark works (John 3:20-21) and even converts some of them who are willing to see God's righteousness.